Before writing a case story you need to collect information of the interviewee individuals by a systematic method. For collecting information from the interviewee, a questionnaire need to prepare from where you will ask questions to the interviewee.
After collecting all the necessary information from the interviewee by following a systematic method you are ready to write the story. The case story can be conduct to know a project baseline, midline and end line situation and also the problem context of an area for a research or thesis and so on.
To know about how to do a case study research follow this link- How to do a case study research and prepare questionnaire (with example). Give a precise and attractive title of the story. The whole part of a case story can be divided in three sections are background, wider context and present view.
First part of the story tells about the background of the interviewee. In this section mention the name, age, living place and family member of the interviewee. Do not broader this section and keep limit in 2 to 3 lines. Readers will get bored if they found lengthier introduction which may demotivate one to read left parts. Start the first line of the story in a way that can attract the reader to read the full story. Such as you can start the story by a major quotation from the interviewee which represent the reflection of your full story. Limit the quotation in 1 or 2 line. This is optional to start the story with interviewee quotation.
Middle part is the main body of the story where you will mention the wider context of the story. Here put the priority area description in your own words and also mention interview quotation at middle lines.
Last part of the study shows the changes that has taken place as a result of a project impact. If you are conducting a thesis or research and conducting the case story to know only the present perspective then at last part of the story mention the current scenario of the interviewee life. You can also close the case story by mentioning an ending quotation of the interviewee.
Here 6 case story has been provided as example-