
How to start a blog and make money easily

Blogging is currently the most popular platform for earning money from online jobs. Blogging is one of the most popular places to express one’s opinion on various issues online, share various types of information and discuss various aspects of daily life. Currently, the demand for blogging is increasing as some money can be earned.

Generally, a person who posts on a blog is called a blogger. These bloggers constantly add different content to their blog site and users take their required information from there. Sometimes users can publish comments or expressions on the blog. Also nowadays blogging is becoming one of the mediums of freelance journalism. It is regularly updated by one or more bloggers with the latest happenings.

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How to start a blog and make money easily

If you want to start a blog and earn from it, you have to go through some steps.

First, choose the right domain name for the blog. The first thing to do after creating a blog site is to choose a domain name that is brand-able, easy to pronounce and catchy and easy to remember.

Second, a good quality hosting service should be used for the blog site. Buying a good quality hosting service is as important for blogging as choosing a domain name.

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Third, the blog should be well designed. After getting the domain and hosting, the blog needs to be designed. To design, first install WordPress in the hosting Cpanel. Then install a theme. After that you need to customize the design as per your choice. There are tons of free videos online on how to customize themes. By looking at these you can design the blog yourself.

How to earn money from your website and Blog

The fourth and most important task is writing, publishing and marketing blog content. After designing your blog you need to write content on a specific topic and publish them on that blog. In content writing, informational writing should prevail and the article should be presented holistically. After publishing the content on the blog, if you share it on various social media, you will get more visitors.

Finally, after completing the 4 steps, more number of visitors or readers will start coming to your blog. Then you will apply for Adsense from Google and other companies. Then you can connect it to your blog site and earn a certain amount of revenue every month from there. Moreover, once your blog becomes popular, various companies will contact you for their advertisements. From there you can earn a lot of money.

So if you are patient with blogging it is possible to earn a lot of money from online jobs. In this case, it is possible to earn faster in English language blogging than in Bengali.

Tags– how to write a blog, profile, create blog, What is blog, start a blog for free, login, how to start a blog and make money, My blog account, how to create a blog for free on google and earn money, how to start a blog for free, how to start a blog on facebook and earn money, how to start a blog and make money 2022, earn money with blogger in 12 minutes, how fast can you make money blogging, fastest way to make money blogging, Ryrob

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