Who does not want to retain youth. Both men and women want to maintain their beauty and smartness. Especially women are more interested in this matter. Middle-aged women try to hide their age more. What if you want? Age grows at its own pace. For ages, people have been fighting against time to make themselves look younger. Someone is changing the food list again and again. Someone is chasing the doctor again. Someone is succeeding. Someone is trying hard. The article will help you to know How to retain Youth?
Things people can do to maintain youth-
Some advice for those who want to retain youth from the heart. Add the following foods to your diet to retain youth.
- Fish is one of the main sources of omega-3 fats and lean meats. Studies have shown that people who eat more fish live longer. Besides, they have less risk of heart attack.
- Olive oil contains powerful antioxidant polyphenols that help prevent aging. Olive oil also reduces the risk of heart attack. Apart from this, vitamin A and vitamin ‘E’ present in olive oil prevent skin wrinkling.
- Yogurt is rich in calcium. Calcium prevents bone loss. Also, the bacteria in yogurt is good for digestion. Bacteria help prevent aging. The quality of yogurt does not end here. Applying curd on the skin can get relief from acne breakouts. Applying yogurt regularly keeps the skin soft, prevents premature aging, sunburn and dryness. Besides, curd contains lactic acid which removes dead skin.
- Dark chocolate made with cocoa is the most antioxidant-rich. Dark chocolate contains polyphenols such as catechins, catechins and procyanidins. These powerful antioxidants keep blood flowing.
- Almonds are rich in unsaturated fats, rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Additionally, almonds contain omega-3 fatty acids that help regulate cholesterol. Omega-3 also helps boost brain function.
- One of the best anti aging weapons is tomato. Tomatoes contain lycopene which reduces the risk of heart attack. Lycopene also helps control cholesterol and prevent cancer. Lycopene acts as a natural sunblock. Protects the skin from the harmful effects of the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Keeps the skin fresh by eliminating dry and wrinkled skin.
- Regular light exercise, drinking plenty of water plays a role in maintaining youth. Have faith in yourself, always have a positive attitude.
Ask God for help in getting all your wishes. If you follow the rules in all areas of life, your happiness, beauty and wealth will be under your control.
Home made anti-aging face masks
Make an anti-aging facial mask at home. With regular use, the appearance will not have the impression of age.
Different masks are more effective for different skin types. See what kind of mask will work for which skin.
For dry skin
Ingredients: Egg Yolk, Yogurt, Honey and Almond Oil.
Mix one egg yolk, one tablespoon of yogurt, one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of almond oil together in a large bowl. When this mixture becomes thick, apply it on the face and wait for at least ten to fifteen minutes. When dry, wash your face well with cold water. Wash it off.
Honey is a natural moisturizer. It will soften your skin. Almonds and egg yolks help tighten the skin and exfoliate dead skin cells.
For oily skin
Ingredients: Carrots, lentil batter and honey.
Boil the carrot well and make a smooth paste. Now add one spoon of lentil batter and one table spoon of honey to the paste of carrot.
Keep this mixture in the fridge for some time. After that, wash your face and apply this mixture on your skin, leave it for ten minutes and wash your face with cold water.
Vitamin A and C, antioxidants in carrots prevent skin aging. Besides moisturizing the skin, honey increases the skin’s radiance and lentil paste absorbs excess oil from the skin and removes blemishes.
For normal skin
Ingredients: Honey, Avocado and Egg Yolk.
Mix two spoons of honey, one spoon of avocado and one egg yolk together. Now clean the skin and apply this mixture on the face. When dry, wash your face with cold water.
Avocado and egg yolk will slough off dead skin cells and keep the skin tight. Honey will keep the skin moisturized.
Tags: how to stay young looking after 40, how to stay young mentally, how to look 20 years younger in 30 days, how to keep skin younger and glowing, how to stay young looking forever, how to keep skin young after 30, what makes a woman look younger, how to stay young and beautiful, how to look 20 years younger in 30 days, how to look younger at 45 female, looking good at 40 female, how to look 10 years younger at 40, how to look younger than your age naturally, how to look younger at 40 woman, how to stay young at 30, how to look younger at 40 male, How to retain Youth
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