The question posed in the title is one that many would like to ask. Asking the question may bring out all the pain in the mind. It is very rare to find a job where you always have the gold piece ‘boss’ in your career. Not everyone is such a prince. Some may spend the day suffering from the words of the boss! So what should be done in that situation? Quitting a job is not always possible.
What is the number of bad or worst bosses in the workplace? According to the American Psychological Association, only in the United States the number is huge! 75 percent of Americans say the biggest source of stress in their careers is their boss or superior. When it comes to the professional aspect of corporate culture, the US ranks pretty high on the list. If this is the case with the subordinate workers, how about in this country, think about it!
A recent study by Gallup found that one in two employees quit at some point in their careers to get rid of a superior or boss. However, the number of people who endure the boss’s “tyranny” and continue to work is not less. There are many reasons behind this. A job means financial security. It is not easy to dare to step from that certainty to the path of uncertainty. Some remain under bad bosses for lack of better opportunities.
Of course, creating good opportunities is not easy. It requires self determination. Again, under a bad boss, many times there is no desire to work hard to create new opportunities. Because if you don’t have peace of mind, what else can you do? Psychiatrists say that in some cases a person does not want to sacrifice his hard-earned salary, seniority, social status etc. at work. Gradually over the years a person achieves these things. It’s a bit difficult to decide to abandon them completely due to bad use of bosses. And when a person gets emotionally attached to a job in a particular organization, it becomes difficult for him to find a new job. It can be seen that some people are enduring the misbehavior of a bad boss by being emotional.
Irritable and overworked bosses are also harmful to health. A study of 3,122 male workers in Sweden found that those who worked under a bad boss had a higher risk of heart disease than others. On the other hand, various US studies show that workers under pressure from insensitive bosses suffer from stress, depression and anxiety. Even if he quits his job again, he is not saved. Researchers say that it can take up to 22 months to completely get rid of previous stress!
Brilliant Tips to Handle a Bad Boss in Workplace
Now let’s come to the way to handle the boss. If there is no change, one has to put up with a bad-tempered and ‘ruthless’ boss. But in that case some strategies can be adopted. It may reduce the irritation of the wound. These are:
Is your Boss really Bad?
Check first if your boss is really bad or not. Try to find the reason for his bad behavior. Is there anything wrong with you? What is the boss’s purpose behind using the boss that you don’t like? Maybe, some of your work might be harmful for the organization. So the wife is being taught. If so, correct yourself first.
Keep continue your Good work
No matter how bad the boss’s behavior is, don’t let your work suffer. Remember, that puts another weapon against you into the hands of the boss. So keep the speed and quality of work and keep trying to keep your image bright to the executives of the organization. Stay one step ahead of the boss in some cases. You see, the boss is not getting a chance to say anything!
You need to stop sometimes and draw a line
Sometimes the boss or superiors continue to burden the employees. Naturally, it is not possible for anyone to pursue an infinite goal. In that case draw the line of work yourself.
Try to Understand your Boss anger reasons
In the case of a grumpy boss, identify what makes him angry. Maybe the boss can’t tolerate a certain type of mistake at work. Try to avoid them. E.g. If you have to listen to the scolding if you enter the office late, then try to reach the office before the specified time. Then you don’t have to bear the ‘anger’ of the boss.
Be a leader
If the boss is incompetent, his bad behavior is harder to tolerate. Then try to make yourself a leader. But don’t try to weaken the boss’s position by saying so. This can make the situation worse.
Another thing to remember, everyone needs proper support in bad times. So if you are stressed because of a bad boss, try to stay mentally positive. Spend time with friends and family members. Boss abuse is out of your control, but you are in control of your own behavior.
Sources: Harvard Business Review, The Muse and Forbes
Tags: How to manage bad boss, how to deal with difficult boss and coworkers, how to deal with workplace stress caused by your boss, types of difficult bosses, how to deal with a boss who always finds fault, how do you handle a difficult boss interview question, how to deal with a bad boss bully, quitting a job because of a bad boss