After graduation students dream for higher education in a reputed institute but it is always costly to bear tuition fees and living cost in another country that is why they seek for fund or scholarship. The most convenient way to know about the funding opportunity directly from a professor. If fund seekers can manage a professor then it is become easier to get admission and full funding in a University. Some common problems students feel for sending email to a professor are how to find a professor, how it is possible to know if they have any funding, what to write in the mail, why not getting any reply from professors and so on. Fund seekers should not be worry if they are facing these kind of problems already. The article provides clear idea about details of email sending to a professor. The whole process has been divided in to three stages are preparation stage, in the course of email sending or middle stage and email sending after stage.
Preparation stage
Cover letter template:
If a professor become happy by getting your email only then the professor check your CV for details information. That is why do not miss any important thing about you in this letter. See details here- how to write an email cover letter to a professor for research fund and scholarship.Â
Ideal CV
The CV that you want to prepare for sending to a professor or scholarship or fellowship that should be different in comparing with professional one. See details here- How to write an ideal and successful CV to a professor.Â
Searching for professors and fund availability
This is a very important stage for fund seekers. You should visit the University websites and relevant department. Most of the University share professorâs profile with research interests and current research works.
Middle stage
This is email sending stage where you may face the the problems about how to write subject line, how to address the professor, cover letter and CV attachment, time of sending application etc. Provide a clear subject line at your email. The subject line of the email can be âInterested to do research under your supervisionâ or “Interested to work in your research team”.  At the starting of your email call the professor by his name like âDr. Khanâ or âDear Dr. Ahsan Khanâ. Now write the Cover Letter precisely by following your prepared template and exploration on the professor. Share the link of your CV from Google Drive or also can attach directly at the email. But sharing CV link from Google Drive is recommended. At the end of the email mention your identity by name, mailing address and contact address.You can also use Google signature in this case. Do not forget to check the time at professorâs location during sending the email.
After stage
The first thing that you should hold in your mind is patience and at the same time make yourself diligence. Try to send 15 to 20 email to the professors in a day. You should not be upset if you do not get reply from professors and continue to email them. Recheck your mail regularly as you do not late to answer your professor if get any reply.Â