
How to earn money from your website and Blog (Updated)

Last updated on September 15th, 2023 at 03:45 pm

Want to earn money from your website? Website is a popular name in today life, however, everyone wants their own sites for building their unique identity. By writing the problems in search engines people like to get solution whenever face any problem from informative websites.  The ways of earning money from your website have been discuses here-

How to earn money from your website and Blog

1. Blogging

There are words that “The power of the pen is more powerful than gun”. Due to the advantage of technology it is now easier to write easily by typing on computer keyboard. Some popular blogs making sites are BloggerTumblrWordpressWeebly.

Not only you can make blog here but also you can get free domain and hosting from these sites. You can make your site adorned by using their free design and theme. By sharing your valuable writing in your blog and getting popularity soon you should add the site in Google adsense to make money. 

For earning money from your own website you need to make your website populated first with quality contents and achieve regular visitors. After achieving the site popularity in a primary level you can add your site with Google adsense to make money. At present days, a competition has been arise among the websites to provide best suited information for the visitors and get ranked first at search engines. 

In this competitive world you should try to provide best suited articles compare with other sites which will enable you to take top at google search engines.  A good SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is also necessary to done along with a good article.

You also need to integrate your site with google search console. It is not so difficult to get top positions in search engines but you should remain active daily. Three common things that you need to maintain for getting more website visitor are regular article posting, present demand contents and good SEO. 

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How to earn money from your website and Blog?

3. Make offer depending on your website type

There have many other ways to make money from your website which depends based on your website types. Websites can be varieties of types like-

Information sites and Blog– Information sites and blogs are very popular for sharing necessary information and anyone choose to search these sites to get information. Share creative articles and catching articles in your site to get many visitor. 

E commerce– By making your own eCommerce sites you can earn money also. At your eCommerce site you can give advertise your own product and also give people opportunity to sell their products by keeping some percentage for you. Create featured options with attractive offer so that people can make their product featured by taking your offers. 

Photography and Art– Artists and photographers from different background contains many opportunity at internet. You can sell your own arts by making a website and also can make offer for your work so that people can hire you. 

Technological- If you have technological knowledge then by creating products like software, game, mobile app and website template you can sell at your own sites. Also you can make tutorials on your technological knowledge and share those at your site. 

Educational- Make tutorials and offer courses from your teaching site. Also by sharing students opportunities like scholarship, fellowship, funding, free courses you can get many visitor in your monetized website. 

There have also many other sites like business, social, personal, creative and so on. Just make a reason so that visitors can visit your sites regularly and take your offers.

4. Sell advertising space

Give people offer from your site to  display their product advertise directly by contacting with you. Create a add space on your website and tell people that the space is for advertising. You can also inform other people that you have add space for sell by advertising at third party websites like 

5. Advertise affiliate links

You can also provide affiliate links at your website or Blog so that if people visit the link and take the offer then you can earn something. 

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