A case study is conduct to find out individuals, groups, or organization story based on several factors to examine cases over a period of time.
Based on data collection technique research can be qualitative and quantitative. Case study is qualitative in nature. Before conducting case study you need to prepare a questionnaire through which you will ask questions to the respondents. Do not make the questionnaire lengthier which may demotivate the interviewee to answer questions properly. For making the questionnaire you need to consider some basic matters which has been mentioned below-
Interviewee consent and privacy
Before start to ask question you should elaborate to the interviewee about why you are conducting the story. If you want to use this story for publication, media or advertising then you should take an agreement from the interviewee. If you want to take any photo of his/her or desire to do video or record the whole interview session then you should take the consent from the interviewee. Privacy is always a greater concern. If you are conducting the case study for any sensitive case then you should ensure interviewee background privacy. Also take the consent of interviewee if she agree to use his/her real name or not. For example you can make a option in the form for taking the interviewee consent by mentioning that “I agree that the organization can use my information for their purposes.” Also see- How to write a case story (with example)
Background information of the interviewee
Ask interviewee name, gender, age, location, family member, education and occupation. These basic information are not only needed to write the interviewee story but also will help you to ask further questions. For example if the interviewee have little or no education then she/he might not able to give you all the questions answer. In that case you may need to skip some questions to avoid future problems. If necessary ask questions to the interviewee from your own makings as you know already about what to ask.

Interviewee day-to-day life and living environment
Ask interviewee about his/her daily life and surrounding environment which will help you to know more about his/her. At the commencement of the interview if you ask for interviewee daily life that can also ease the interviewee to answer further questions.
Interviewee history (close to your topic)
This is the most important part of a case story. You should prepare the questions without leaving any important topic. You should collect the history from interviewee exact words as you can describe those later and make quotation from interviewee major words.
If you are conducting the case story to conduct any research or thesis then try to pull out present context and scenario of the interviewee. An example case study questionnaire has been given below which has been done to know the climate change impact on interviewee daily livelihood.
If you are conducting the case story to conduct any research or thesis then try to pull out present context and scenario of the interviewee. An example case study questionnaire has been given below which has been done to know the climate change impact on interviewee daily livelihood.
If you are conducting the story to get output of any project benefits upon the interviewee over a period of time then ask his/her about the changes happen in interviewee life due to the project activities. Try to pull out a difference between previous and present condition of the project to explore the impact.
If you are conducting the story at the initial stage of any project to know the present context of the interviewer then try to pull out the problems and probable solution from his/her philosophy.
Do not forget to take recommendations from interviewee about the project or program. Also if the interviewee mention any problems then seek for solution from his/her words.