How to open a new account in Facebook?
For using Facebook, you need to visit the link (www.facebook.com) through your browser or you can download Facebook application from your mobile play store. The steps of Facebook account opening has mentioned here-
- Open a new account by sign up/create an account in Facebook.
- Create your Profile
- Share your thoughts or expression with friends
- Request your friend to connect with your network
- Use log in and log out for entering and leaving Facebook
How to create a page in Facebook?
You have a great opportunity to market your products, extend your business, famous your organization and explore creative activities in Facebook by creating your own page. You are also able to create your fan page in Facebook. For creating a page, you need to belong a Facebook account through which you can conduct your pages.
- Click on the “Create page” option in Facebook.
- Choose your page category, insert name of your business and get started for a new page.
- Try to give as much as details you can input in your page, add website link (if any), invite your friends of your network to like your page and give regular up to date and attractive post in your page.
- Enter to the page setting for changing page privacy and setup.
How to Create a group in Facebook?
Facebook group can create your network more informative and up to date. You are able to create a group by specified your interest.
- Click on the “create group” option in Facebook.
- You can make your group setting public or private or closed anytime by visiting to the “Change privacy settings” from “Edit group setting”.
- Add peoples from your network, invite peoples to add in your group.
- Try to give as much as details you can input in your group and give regular post in your group.
- Enter to the page setting for changing page privacy and setup.