
How can you Create Passive Income With No Money

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How I Create Passive Income With No Money –

Passive Income Ideas that will Help You Make Money In 2024

Always start with zero money. You won’t regret it!

Working a 9–5 job and waiting for the end-of-month paycheck never appealed to me. While many people enjoy their 9–5 jobs, including my cousin who prefers his over running his YouTube channel, I found my calling elsewhere.

In this article, I’ll share how you can create an online passive income stream, whether you maintain your day job or not. Remember, start with small steps—they pay off in the long run.

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My Last 9–5 Job Was a Disaster

I’ve changed jobs four times, but my last one was the worst. After a heated argument with my boss, I was made to wait for four hours in the reception area to receive my salary. My boss later told me he would transfer the payment only when he felt like it. This incident made me realize I needed to pursue my writing business full-time and say goodbye to the 9–5 grind once and for all.

The Freedom of Passive Income

I love working online and independently. I’ve created multiple businesses that not only support me but also my family. Here are the reasons why you should consider building your own passive income streams:

  • No Boss: You are your own boss.
  • Timely Payments: You get paid on time.
  • Flexibility: If you dislike a project, you can leave it or change it.

Creating a Passive Income Workflow

Not all passive income streams will suit you, but some will align perfectly with your interests and skills. Here’s how to find your next passive income source:

  1. List Your Interests: Identify areas you are passionate about, such as writing, digital products, creativity, or finance.
  2. Assess Your Skills: Focus on what you are good at; for me, it’s creative writing.
  3. Choose a Platform: Select a platform you enjoy, like Medium for blogging.
  4. Create a Brand: Pick a name, design a clean logo, and write a simple bio.
  5. Produce Original Content: Use AI for research but ensure your content is original.

Passive Income Ideas for 2024

Here are some passive income ideas you can start with no extra money:

  1. Content Creation: My primary income source is content creation. No marketing, just skill.
  2. E-commerce: I run a small music store on Instagram, generating a modest income.
  3. Digital Products: I create ebooks and Google Sheets, such as the Ultimate Budget Tracker.
  4. Video Courses for Udemy: If you have a skill, create a video course. It’s easy and profitable.
  5. Rent Out Your Spare Room: Like Airbnb, rent your space for extra cash.
  6. Blogging: Write simple English blogs. No special skills required.
  7. Design Custom Products: Use tools like Canva or Photoshop to design products.
  8. Car Advertising: Earn extra income by advertising on your car.
  9. Video Content Creation: Sell video creation services on platforms like Fiverr.
  10. Sell Stock Photos: Upload photos to stock photo sites. It’s a small income stream but worth exploring.
  11. Get a Roommate: Share your living space to cut costs and save money.
  12. Rent Out Parking Space: If you have a space in a crowded area, rent it out for parking.


You don’t need to pursue all these ideas. Choose the ones that fit your interests and needs. Start small and grow your passive income streams gradually.

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