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Hope for the change through Biden!

After Donald Trump was elected President of the United States in November 2016, uncertainty filled the world. Shortly after taking office, Trump created unprecedented unrest in the world by withdrawing the country from a series of international treaties and institutions, including banning entry to the United States from several Muslim-majority countries. Almost four years later, Trump’s defeat in the US presidential election has created a new possibility.

President-elect Joe Biden has already said he will lift President Trump’s ban on entry into the United States from Muslim-majority countries. He will also refer the United States to important international forums, such as the Paris Climate Agreement and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty with Iran. The Biden administration’s policy will be to return the United States to its global leadership position, in contrast to the way the Trump administration has shunned its responsibilities in the world by adopting the “America First” policy.

“I think there is a huge opportunity for change in the world,” said Lailufar Yasmin, a professor in the Department of International Relations at Dhaka University, in response to a question from Kaler Kantho on Sunday evening. But it probably won’t be too fast. Will be step by step. Yet the Senate is not under the control of Democrats. Biden said he would join the climate deal within seven days of taking office. But the question is, will the Senate approve it? ’He said,‘ The international role of a country’s foreign policy requires internal acceptance of those policies. Biden’s first task will be to present to the world the gift of a united United States. If the United States is not united, it will not be able to show that position in its relations with foreign countries. “

Professor Lailufer said: “Biden’s victory is being celebrated in many countries, starting with the Netherlands and France. Biden has a huge opportunity to rebuild US relations with NATO and Europe. However, I am not very optimistic about how much the relationship with the Middle East or China will change. The two main US parties agree that China is a “threat.” We can’t expect the Sino-US relationship to be very cooperative, at least because of the Indo-Pacific strategy. “

He added: “Trump’s defeat is not good news for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Relationships with individuals such as Netanyahu, Boris Johnson or other leaders may be affected or changed. But I don’t think the United States’ relationship with Israel, the United Kingdom or any other state will change much. “

Analysts say Biden has spent most of his political career on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He is well versed in various international issues, including foreign policy. In addition, President Barack Obama would give Secretary of State Hillary Clinton guidance on foreign affairs.

The foreign policy of Joe Biden in his election pledge is based on the views of the middle class in his country and the democratic situation in his country and country. He will shape the foreign policy by giving importance to the needs of the middle class of the country. He pledged to establish democracy in the United States as well as to see the world through the eyes of democracy.

In the first 100 days of his presidency, Biden called for a conference on democratic allies and another climate conference in Washington, DC. According to analysts, the Biden administration’s commitment to these two issues is clear from its commitment to the conference. He also spoke of making immigration easier.

According to the BBC’s State Department correspondent Barbara Platt Usher, the Biden administration’s policy differences with the Trump administration can be seen in terms of understanding with allies, climate change, Iran, Yemen, and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Russia and China have very similar policies.

In his election campaign, Joe Biden dreamed of restoring the image of the United States and forming alliances with democratic countries. Analysts believe that the image of the United States in the world has been severely tarnished in the nearly four years of the Trump administration. The Trump administration was virtually indifferent to democracy, the rule of law and human rights around the world. This opportunity has led to the rise of dictatorships in different countries of the world. There are indications that the Biden administration will remain focused on bilateral and multilateral relations and cooperation.

Joe Biden has vowed to mend fences that have strained relations with old allies under Trump. In particular, normalizing relations with NATO allies is one of the first tasks of the Biden administration. Similarly, the Biden administration will rejoin the World Health Organization and take global leadership in tackling the Cavid-19 epidemic.

After coming to power, President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement. Joe Biden has promised to return to the deal. He also has a ট্র 2 trillion plan to reduce carbon emissions.

The president also withdrew from the nuclear deal with Iran.

Joe Biden has also promised to return to that agreement. Analysts say other allies in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia, could be unhappy if the United States lifts unilateral sanctions on Iran. Biden wants to put pressure on Iran; But not with sanctions. Biden will not support the war imposed by Saudi Arabia in Yemen. The two countries are in danger of being dragged down by this.

Biden is not opposed to signing peace agreements with Arab countries, including the United Arab Emirates, under Donald Trump. He is also committed to Israel’s security. But he does not want to do anything that destroys the possibility of a ‘two state solution’. Trump’s US embassy in Jerusalem is unlikely to be relocated to Tel Aviv.

Biden will also maintain the Trump administration’s tough stance on Russia and China. However, in this case, some strategic changes can be seen. Joe Biden has called on allies to deal with China and Russia. That means the Biden administration can expect its allies to follow US policy. On the North Korea issue, Biden spoke of using other allies, including China.

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