One of extreme effect of global climate change is high temperature while its continuation day after day is alarming for the world.
According to the World Meteorological Organisation, 2016 was the hottest year and the same is continuing in 2017. Columbia University has been studied a research on extreme temperature effects that caused by global climate change. The study revealed that extreme temperature effects may disrupted the planes fly at sky. Due to high temperature air density start to reduce which inhibit the aircraft wings to gain speed during running. The study found that extreme temperature effects cause airlines to face such problems more often.  According to the study average global temperature have increased nearly 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit since 1980 and may rise by 5.4 degrees by 2100.
The study revealed that among the fully loaded planes about 10 to 30% may need to remove fuel or cargo when temperature remains high or may need to wait for temperature drop. It is worth to mention that American Airlines cancelled a number of flights for the reason of extreme heat.Â