Controlling body weight becomes difficult for almost everyone. Various complications arise in the body due to weight gain. So you have to adopt a proper diet plan to lose weight. Many do the keto diet. Some try to control weight by eating healthy again. Many people eat less food and exercise to reduce body fat. However, you can lose weight in a healthy way, not by completely stopping eating or following a strict diet.
According to nutritionists, losing three kilograms in a month is healthy. That is, if you have five months to spare, the goal will be to reduce eight to ten kg. Every girl’s body structure is different. Brides focus on reducing belly, thigh and butt fat. So choose such exercises, which will get more results in less time.
According to fitness experts, initially choose six-seven exercises. Squat, rowing, ham curl, lunge. By doing these exercises regularly, it is possible to lose a lot of weight. Core exercises like plank, side plank, bridge can be done to reduce abdominal fat. However, it is not only necessary to exercise, but also to make changes in living and eating habits along with exercise.
Ayurveda experts say that for quick weight loss, first of all, sugar needs to be eliminated from the food list. Using jaggery instead of sugar is good for health and also reduces weight.
Warm water should be kept in the list instead of cold water. Hot water helps in weight loss by melting the accumulated fat in the body. Besides, hot water helps to digest food quickly.
Many people choose fruit juice instead of fruit. According to experts, when we consume fruit juice, the fiber in the fruit is lost. But when the fruit is chewed, all the beneficial elements of the fruit are available to the body.
One of the easiest ways to lose weight is to replace high-calorie, carbohydrate-rich foods with whole grains. That is, the consumption of food made from white flour should be reduced. Eat fibrous food. It will reduce your hunger level. When on a carb-diet, your body will use stored fat instead of carbohydrates for energy.
Dinner should be finished as soon as possible. Try to eat at least two and a half to three hours before going to bed.
Adequate sleep is very important for the body. At least 7 to 8 hours of sleep per day is required for an adult. They advise to sleep before 10 pm.
In addition to regular exercise, you should also practice brisk walking for at least half an hour a day. Walk 5,000 to 10,000 steps daily. As it will reduce weight, it will be possible to prevent many diseases.
Green vegetables are the biggest weight loss claim. More vegetables help you stay healthy. Green vegetables are packed with nutrients and low in calories. Low-calorie, nutrient-dense green vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, collards, tomatoes, kale, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, Swiss chard, lettuce, and cucumber.
Practice eating five to six small meals throughout the day without eating a heavy meal at once.
When starting the process of losing weight, first drink more. If not, you will be in trouble. Drink eight to ten glasses of water a day. Smoking and drinking habits should be discouraged.
The American university has brought a new method of weight loss through various experiments. They say that regular consumption of curd-kalojira mixture will reduce weight by 15 kg in a month.
According to the study-report published by the researchers of the American University, the effect of this mixture on 44 obese people was examined, if this mixture of curd-kalojira is consumed daily, it is possible to lose at least 15 kg of weight in a month.
In the home method, one teaspoon of black cumin powder and one glass of thin sour curd should be mixed well and consumed before going to bed at night.
According to scientists, this mixture helps to increase the metabolism of the body. As a result, the amount of fat decreases and the body weight decreases rapidly.
Foods to avoid
Avoid Jam-Jelly, Butter, Margarine, Sweets, Chips, Chocolates, Street Foods, High Calorie Fruits (Banana, Cabbage, Mango, Ata, Jackfruit), Bara, Fried, Potatoes, Soft Drinks, Packaged Fruit Juices have to do Among dry fruits you can eat walnuts, cashews, peanuts, but not more than 2-4. A low-calorie diet should be followed at this time. Lose excess weight while maintaining physical beauty. Keeping your weight under control is always necessary to keep yourself beautiful and fit.
Tags: how to lose weight fast in 2 weeks 10 kg, how to lose weight fast naturally and permanently, How to lose weight fast, how to lose weight fast without exercise, extreme weight loss methods, How to lose weight naturally, i need to lose weight fast i don’t care how, how to lose weight fast without eating