Health and Fitness

10 must followed tips for healthy pregnancy

Last updated on November 25th, 2020 at 12:36 am

Pregnancy is a matter of great happiness and it is a part of natural phenomenon. But the pregnancy days are not like any other normal days. For the betterment of both the child and the mother, some awareness must be followed at this time. Many people can suggest you many things around, while deciding you should follow your doctor.

The following things that the pregnant mother must maintain:

Selection of good gynecologist and regular inspection-

In the first stage, consult a good gynecologist by taking suggestion from your closest ones. You should visit the doctor regularly and share your all problems to get better solution.

According to the doctor’s recommendation take regular medicines-

The first three months of pregnancy you should take folic acid according to the doctor advice, which is very helpful for the child’s brain development. Calcium and Vitamin D also help in the growth and the formation of bones throughout the pregnancy time. Iron and Zinc Sulfate are another two important element for your child in this time. There is a myth that taking medicines may harm the child by increasing fat but this thought is very harmful. Some people try to meet their nutrition requirement very naturally but they should be concern that the nutrition demands during this time increases than any other time as you are feeding two body at a time. You should take medicine according to the doctors advice and in no case you can not take any other additional medicines without consulting the doctor.

Balanced food intake-

You should be more hungry when pregnant. If you are hungry, you should keep fill your stomach timely but do not eat much sweet foods to cover hunger. Do not overeat in this time. You have to eat balanced food every two hours interval. Do not go to sleep immediate after taking food. There should be regular food items such as nuts, dates, milk, eggs and fruits in your regular food diet. Your daily food list should ensure the presence of carbohydrate, protein, fat, fiber, vitamins, minerals and water. During this time, you should drink plenty of pure water. Additional oiled foods are not good for pregnancy.

Avoiding stress-

At this time, you must avoid extra stress. You can listen songs, read books, watch movies and take care of the garden to keep your mind well. Stress, anxiety, panic, fear etc. are very harmful to pregnant mothers. Do anything that like to do to keep your mind calm.

Light walk and relax –

If you are an employee then try to walk a little in work break. If you are housewife but you have low workload then try to walk around but do not sleep all the times. When you are resting, try to sleep on your left side which helps to avail enough oxygen for your baby. You have to sleep on time in the night. You should take rest for two hours after lunch if possible. Do not walk in a slippery place.

Avoiding risky work-

Any kind of heavy work, extra travel and insecticides or toxic substances should be avoided. Take others help to cooperate you when need.

For the first and the last three months take additional precautions-

Physical and sexual intercourse during the first and last three months of pregnancy should be done. It is very important to keep alert in this time. This time it is very risky for pregnant women as little carelessness may cause miscarriage.

Avoiding smoking and alcohol products-

Smoking can not be done under any circumstances during pregnancy. You should avoid other persons who are smoking before you. If you have a habit of drinking then it must be avoided at this time.

Take special care of the body-

Regular bathing habits have to be practiced. During pregnancy, wear loose and comfortable clothes. You should wear correct size and soft shoes and do not wear heels shoes. Keep hand and foot nails short to avoid accidents and getting lost. Due to increase demand of calcium, you should take special care of your teeth and gums. During pregnancy time both heavy weight and under weight are harmful for the mother and child. One or one and half kg weight gain is normal at each month of pregnancy but if you are gaining more then avoid taking extra sweets. To avoid constipation eat vegetables and drink plenty of water.

Disease-preventive measures should be taken-

According to the doctor’s advice during pregnancy, tetanus vaccine must be given in four to eight months. At this time, you must stay away from infected patients.

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