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Health effects of smoking cigarettes that you should know

Last updated on November 25th, 2020 at 12:09 am

The Effects of Smoking on the Body is unavoidable. Whatever your smoking habit, the tobacco is always dangerous for your health. The tobacco products doesn’t contain any safe substances where some of harmful substances are acetone, tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide. The harmful substances affect badly your lungs and slowly your entire body. Smoking can causes serious complications in the body and put long-term effects on body systems. This habit can increase risk of several problems over several years where some effects are immediate and some lead to life-threatening complications.

How does smoking affect the body?

Cigarette smoking has a lot of adverse effects on the body. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Trusted Source, cigarettes smoking increases the risk of death and also others who are not linked with tobacco use.

smoking cigarettes health effect

  • Smoking affects the respiratory, circulatory and reproductive systems. It affects skin, eyes and increases the risk of different cancers.
  • Smoking affects lung health badly as the smoker breathes in not only nicotine but also other additional chemicals.
  • Smoking damage the heart, blood vessels, and blood cells.
  • Smoking habit can harm a female’s reproductive system and create difficulties to get pregnant as presence of tobacco and the other chemicals in cigarettes affect hormone levels.
  • Smoking increases risk of pregnancy complications, risk of diabetes, weakened immune system, can cause additional inflammation in the body.
  • Smoking cigarettes can cause vision problems, dry eyes, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.
  • Smokers have poor oral hygiene. They have the risk of gum disease. This risk increases with the number of cigarette smoking. The symptoms of this disease are swollen and tender gums, bleeding when brushing, loose teeth and sensitive teeth.
  • Smokers’ ability to taste and smell things properly decreases gradually.
  • Smoking cigarettes can cause unhealthy skin and hair. They may face early aged and wrinkled skin. It can cause hair loss and balding too.

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