Health and Fitness

Know the amazing Health Benefits of Black Plum or Jamun

Last updated on November 25th, 2020 at 12:36 am

Black Plum/Jamun/ Malabar plum/ Java plum, whatever the name is, you are going to get amazing taste with unlimited heath benefits from this fruit. The scientific name of Jamun is Syzygium cumini. Jamun is a seasonal fruit and you should try to have this food more during the season. Jamun helps in weight loss, control diabetes, ease stomach pain, improve immunity, heart health and so many.  The fruit has antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-viral properties which help you protected from many diseases.

The following are the proven health benefits of Jamun-

Look after heart

Jamun works very well against heart disease. The fruit contains potassium which keeps control high blood pressure and reduces the risk of stroke.

Handle diabetes

jamun helps control diabetes
Jamun Treat Diabetes

Jamun is very popular to treat diabetes in Ayurvedic medicine. The fruit helps lower the blood glucose levels and change sugar into energy. The fruit, the extract of bark, seeds and leaves are good for diabetes patient. It reduces the symptoms of diabetes like frequent urination and thrusting. Jamun seeds powder have jamboline, a type of glucose, which control the conversion of starch into sugar.

Increase haemoglobin

Jamun has vitamin C and Iron which increase the production of haemoglobin count. It works as blood purifying agent which is good for skin and beauty. Women during menstruation, people suffering from anemia and jaundice should take this fruit due to its high iron content.

Skin treatment

Jamun keeps skin healthy

The fruit is rich in antioxidant which helps to treat skin diseases. Its astringent properties help to prevent acne, blemishes, wrinkles and pimples. It keeps the blood well due to more amount of iron. The fruit belong vitamin C which gives fair skin complexion.

Boosts Immune System

Jamun contains vitamin C and other antioxidants which can help to stimulate the production of white blood cells and increase the strength of the immune system.

Care for bowel system

The fruit is useful for digestive disorders such as diarrhea, dysentery and dyspepsia. Jamun juice along with curd is good to fight digestive problems.

Remove cold problems

The fresh fruit juice of Jamun helps in cough and asthma. It care for cold problems and acts as anti-aging agent.

Other benefits

Teeth related problems, piles, hemorrhoids and female sterility can be solved by having this fruit.

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