Here the reason about why you are showing the unavailable message in Google speed test/ Google speed insight analysis.
The following message is showing during website analysis-
“Data about the real-world performance of this page was unavailable. PageSpeed Insights was still able to analyze this page to find potential optimizations. Applying these optimizations may improve the speed of this page. Please investigate the recommendations below.”
So the question, Is there any problem with Google speed insight analysis or with the analysed website?
The answer is, there have no problem with your site and Google speed insight. Lets see the reason behind this message.
The Google speed insight has updated its version. The new version of PageSpeed Insights (PSI) checks Chrome User Experience Report data in your page. If the data do not remain available then the result shows unavailable message. So the meaning is speed data is not available in the Chrome UX Report. This doesn’t mean that your site has any problem or Google speed insight belongs any problem.
Also the test suggests applicable optimizations for your site. And the optimization report always remain present there.