After the baby is six months old, many parents start feeding the baby extra food along with mother’s milk. Experts say there are certain foods that should never be added to a baby’s extra food list.
A child’s digestive system is not fully developed during infancy. So at this time the baby’s digestive system is very fragile. Because of not knowing, many parents feel sick after feeding these foods to their children. But they do not understand the child’s discomfort due to food.
So in such a situation that your child does not have to read, so know which foods should never be fed to the child.
Many people feed honey immediately after birth. Experts believe that this practice can harm your child. Although honey is a nutritious food, consuming honey in childhood can be dangerous. Clostridium botulinum bacteria in honey can cause bacterial infections in babies including poor breastfeeding, constipation, stomach cramps, dizziness.
Cow’s milk:
Cow’s milk contains high lactose content, which can seriously affect baby’s gut health. Researchers say, in some cases, this food can cause kidney disorders in children. Apart from this, intestinal bleeding and iron deficiency anemia can also occur in the child’s body.
Usually before one year of age, eating seafood such as shrimp, hilsa, oysters, crabs can cause allergic problems in the baby’s body.
Sticky food:
Foods which are sticky, cannot be digested by the baby. So avoid giving chocolate, peanut butter or peanut butter, wheat bread to the baby.
Egg whites:
Although the nutritional value of egg whites cannot be concluded. However, doctors consider it a threat to children’s health. For one-year-old babies, egg yolk is good for health, but the white part can cause allergies, stomach upset, diarrhea in the baby. So at the age of one and a half years, you can practice feeding eggs to the child.
Citrus fruits:
Citrus fruits are rich in citrus acids. Such fruits cause stomach problems in children. So they should not be given before at least one year of age.
Raw vegetables:
This type of food includes a variety of salads. These foods contain high levels of nitrates, which are difficult for babies to digest at a young age.
Sugary foods:
Researchers at the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health in Britain say that to avoid obesity, teeth and eye problems, children should never have sugar in their diet.
Apart from this, the child should not be fed outside food under any circumstances before the child completes one year. For the safety of young children, feeding chips or bottle, canned food should also be avoided.
Source: BBC
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