
Foods that can never be eaten raw

There are many foods in daily life that are not good to eat raw. Which are more nutritious when cooked. Vegetables that cannot be eaten raw are-


Potato is a favorite vegetable of everyone. It can be cooked in different ways. But it is not right to eat this food raw at all. Eating raw potatoes can cause flatulence and even stomach upset. Because it contains some starch which is not digested. If you keep the potato in a wet or hot place for a long time, some parts of it may turn green. There is a toxin called solanine in that place which produces food poisoning. If there is such a green part in the potato, it is safe not to eat the potato. Cooking vegetables like potatoes increases beta carotene content. This is because raw potatoes contain some harmful toxins, which cause serious problems in the digestive process.


Chicken sausage is a popular food among children. It can be eaten fried. Delicious hotdogs can also be made with sausage. Many people think that since sausage is a processed food, it can be taken out of the packet and eaten directly. But this idea is wrong! Bacteria called Listeria in sausages can make the body sick. So it should not be eaten without cooking well.


Milk is a necessary and nutritious food for everyone from children to adults. It contains amino acids, enzymes are beneficial for the body. However, drinking raw milk is very dangerous. It contains bacteria. For this milk should be boiled well.

Bitter almonds

The nuts that are usually eaten are sweet. But there are also bitter-tasting walnuts, which are not good to eat raw at all. Because it contains toxic hydrocyanic acid. However, when cooked, they are no longer toxic.


From wheat to flour to the market in many ways it can cause bacterial infections. Only through cooking can these germs be destroyed. For this reason, raw yeast, cookie dough should not be eaten.


Eggplant is a favorite vegetable of many. It can be mashed, fried and cooked. Eggplant contains solanine which can cause various problems in the body if eaten raw. On the other hand, many people have severe allergies to raw eggplant. That is why it is better to cook and eat it.

Fruit seeds

Apple, mango, peach, pear or apricot seeds should not be eaten raw. They contain a chemical that can be converted to cyanide and poisoned.


Many people like to eat mushrooms with hot soup or salad. Delicious mushrooms to eat are also extremely beneficial for the body. It contains various types of nutrients. Regular consumption of mushrooms keeps away diseases like anemia, diabetic and high blood pressure. Raw mushrooms contain some harmful ingredients. In this condition it is also difficult to digest. For this reason, mushrooms should be cooked and eaten.

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