Health and Fitness

Feeding your baby at the age of 6 to 12 months

Children aged 6 to 8 months

During this time, feed your baby half a cup of soft food two to three times a day. Let your baby eat anything except honey. Honey should not be eaten until the child is one year old. You can start with a healthy meal by mixing fruit juice in soft foods. Feed your baby the same amount of breast milk as before.

Children aged 9 to 11 months

Give half a cup of food to a 9 to 11 month old baby three to four times a day, along with healthy snacks. Now you can start with small pieces instead of mashed the food. Even your baby can start eating on his own with his fingers at this time. Even at this time, if your baby is hungry, continue to breastfeed him. Make sure the baby eats easily and the food is nutritious every time.

Food needs to be rich in energy and nutrition. In addition to grains and potatoes, make sure your baby’s diet includes vegetables and fruits, pulses, legumes, a little energy-rich oils or fats, and especially – animal foods (dairy, eggs, meat, fish and poultry) every day. Eating a variety of foods every day helps your baby get all the nutrients it needs.

If your child does not want to eat or throw away any new food, do not force it. Try again in a few days. You can try mixing this food with any other food that your baby likes.

In case of infants who are not breastfed

If you do not breastfeed your baby, he needs to eat more often. He needs to rely on other foods, including dairy products, to get all the nutrients her body needs.

Start giving your baby extra food at exactly 6 months of age, just as a breastfed baby needs. Start with two to three tablespoons of soft and mashed food a day which will provide her the necessary nutrition without breast milk.

From 6 to 7 months of age, she needs half a cup of soft food four times a day, as well as healthy snacks.

From the age of 9-11 months, he will need half a cup of food four to five times a day, as well as healthy snacks twice.

Source: UNICEF

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