Extract subtitle from YouTube video
Extracting subtitles from YouTube video is easier. If you download the you tube video then subtitle will not be there. The reason is, that video is not embed with that subtitle. So this is an good idea to extract subtitle from YouTube if you need anytime.
Method 1
This online link works for you amazingly. You get .srt subtitle file within a second via this link. Just hit enter after pasting your youtube video link.
Method 2
Always make sure that you are in private window for extracting the subtitles.
For Google chrome user
-If you are using Google chrome then enter in to the incognito window. Here, from “More Tool” option go to the “Developer Tool” option. In “Developer Tool” click on “Console”. Now paste the below code and hit enter-
if(yt.config_.TTS_URL.length) window.location.href=yt.config_.TTS_URL+”&kind=asr&fmt=srv1&lang=en”
-You will able to see the texts in your left screen. Copy those in a text file and save as .html file. Now open the html file in any browser. You will get entire subtitles for the video.
For Mozila Firefox user
-If you are using Mozila Firefox then enter into the private window. From “Web Developer” option visit the “Web Console” option. Paste the same code here and follow the same activities done at Google chrome.
Also See here
Add subtitle file in your video permanently.
how to make a subtitle file using notepad.
How to translate, create and add any new language subtitle in video easily