As the saying goes, if you get angry, you lose. Most people get angry and make wrong decisions or bad words or behavior towards others. Anger increases stress. Anger is very harmful to body and mind.
According to Gallup’s (Global Emotions Report) report in 2018, 22 percent of 151,000 participants from 140 countries participated in the study, suffering from excessive anger. On the other hand, 39 percent of participants were extremely anxious due to anger.
Actually anger is a state of mind which is necessary for our survival. But when our stress levels rise, it often spirals out of control.
But in any situation it is wise to control anger. Know that excessive anger and shouting increases the risk of some diseases-
Heart rate increases
5 things happen in the body when we scream in anger. One of them is sudden increase in heart rate.
If you notice, you will see that most people get involved in arguments when they say something in anger. Then the heart rate increases. This means that anger also increases blood pressure.
Due to this, the skin and face become red and the veins come out. If you are angry, you have to breathe quickly and your hands and feet become colder than usual. Which can sometimes cause danger.
Immunity decreases
Researchers have found that recalling a past heated argument or yelling in anger lowers your immune system for 6 hours.
People who get angry easily are often sick! Because their immune system is weak. Excessively angry people unknowingly increase the risk of various physical diseases.
Metabolism slows down
When angry, stress chemicals flood the brain and body. At the same time there is a change in metabolism. People who harbor excessive anger issues may suffer from regular headaches, anxiety, insomnia and digestive problems.
Skin problems increase
Due to anger, various skin problems like eczema and various skin diseases can also take root in the body. Such people have a high risk of stroke or heart attack.
Pain increases
Screaming in anger can lead to chronic pain! Some studies have shown that parents yelling in front of children under the age of 13 hinders the child’s brain development.
Their mental state also changes. Such children may suffer from chronic pain when they grow up. Among them, back and neck pain, headache and arthritis problems are more common.
Studies have also shown that most people become overconfident when it comes to proving themselves victorious during an argument. Which has a bad effect on the personality
An easy way to combat anger is to take deep breaths, listen to music, or spend some time alone in a quiet place. To save yourself from excessive anger problems, consult a psychiatrist.
Tags: what happens when you get angry too much, types of anger disorders, anger issues, intermittent explosive disorder, social effects of anger, female anger disorders, anger issues symptoms test, sudden anger for no reason