Many people suggest eating different kinds of fruits to keep good health. Fruits are a source of various minerals and vitamins. Such a combination of taste and health is also rare. But can fruit be eaten at any time? Especially not to eat fruit at night before going to bed, many people say that. Shouldn’t you really eat fruit before going to bed at night?
Is it good or bad to eat fruit before going to sleep at night?
Many nutritionists say that eating fruit before going to bed at night can cause several complications.
- Eating fruit usually increases blood sugar levels. This problem is more dangerous especially in patients with diabetes. Eating fruit before going to bed at night can increase sleep sugar levels. It is also difficult to understand if the body is bad during sleep. Hence it is better to avoid eating certain fruits just before going to sleep.
- Eating fruit at dinner time can also be counterproductive. Eating fruit with food fills the stomach quickly. As a result, many skip essential vegetables and other foods like protein. This problem is especially common in those who are trying to lose weight. But experts say that people always need a balanced diet. So it is not right to avoid other complementary foods while eating fruits.
- Sometimes certain fruits energize the body quickly. As a result, people suffering from insomnia can increase the problem by eating fruit at night. Besides, many people get heartburn after eating the fruit. While that problem can be managed during the day, stomach disturbances at night can cause sleep disturbances. This problem can be greatly increased by eating lemon-like fruits in particular.
But there is also a contrary opinion. Many people say that eating bananas does not cause deficiency of potassium in the body. Many people experience muscle tension during sleep. Eating bananas can reduce that problem a lot. Many people recommend eating cherries before going to bed. Because cherries contain melatonin. Increasing these melatonin levels leads to better sleep. All in all, it must be remembered that not everyone’s body is the same, so any particular type of diet may not be appropriate for everyone. So, what fruit to eat, or whether to eat before going to bed at night, should be known from the expert.
So, what fruit to eat, or whether to eat before going to bed at night, should be known from the expert.
Tags: disadvantages of eating fruits at night, eating fruit before bed benefits, is eating fruits at night good for weight loss, will eating fruit before bed cause weight gain, can we eat fruits at night after dinner, fruits not to eat at night, eating fruit before bed reddit, best time to eat fruits to lose weight