Human heart is an important organ. This organ works continuously from birth to death. The heart does the work of pumping blood. Oxygen-rich blood reaches the whole body through the power of this organ. Only then does the cell survive. It goes without saying that our indifferent attitude towards such an important organ increases the danger. According to the doctor, many people are suffering from this organ disease. Especially a heart attack. The incidence of heart failure at a young age is increasing day by day. Behind this problem is our diet and lifestyle. Protein-rich eggs are beneficial for heart health. According to a study published in Heart Journal, eating eggs every day reduces the risk of heart disease.
Nutritionists around the world are claiming that only egg yolk can fill the nutritional deficiency. Because it contains copper, almost all types of calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, selenium, thiamin, folate, B6, B12, 100% vitamin-A, vitamin-E and pantothenic acid.
On the other hand, a very readily available source of carotenoids is eggs. It contains easily digestible lutein and zeaxanthin – which play an important role in eye health. Scientists say that carotenoids form the black part of the eye and play a very effective role in preventing age-related macular degeneration or age-related blindness.
Many people believe that eating egg yolk can damage the heart. So health conscious people used to discard the egg yolk and eat only the white part. But now experts say, ‘eggs are harmful for the heart’ is not true. According to researchers, it is true that egg yolk contains cholesterol. However, the type or level of cholesterol; For that, egg yolk cannot be blamed as the cause of artery block or heart attack.
According to nutritionists, most healthy people can safely eat one egg per day without any problems. According to him, in most cases, the type of cholesterol that people consume through food; It does not play an effective role in raising blood cholesterol. Because the human body produces low levels of cholesterol on its own and replenishes it. According to him, saturated and trans-fats play a strong role in raising blood cholesterol. But hopefully, a large egg contains very little saturated fat and no trans-fat.
According to the doctor, eggs are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. So you have to eat eggs. Egg white contains protein. And the biological value of this protein is high. As a result, it is easily absorbed by the body. Besides, egg yolk contains vitamin A, D. These two vitamins are very necessary. Besides, this food is very beneficial as it is full of essential minerals. So don’t be afraid of egg yolk.
Despite egg yolk being a beneficial food, there are some misconceptions. For example, some people believe that eating egg yolk causes heart disease. This is not true at all. It is said that playing this thing does not cause much problem. Rather, this food is beneficial for the body. So this information that eating egg yolk causes heart disease is wrong. In fact, people think that this food contains cholesterol. Although it does not cause any problem in a healthy body.
When compared to egg whites, egg yolks are equally beneficial, experts say. It contains a lot of protein. Contains omega three fatty acids and heart-healthy unsaturated fats. They report that egg yolk is very beneficial for overall health. It contains a lot of vitamin D, vitamin B12. It helps in strengthening the bones and increases the red blood cells in the blood. Egg yolk is very beneficial for health. Beneficial ingredients in it maintain bone health. Helps to lose weight quickly. Very effective for those who follow diet. Egg yolk helps keep the heart healthy. Prevents heart disease.
According to the doctor, some people have plaque or simply put dirt in the coronary artery of the heart. Due to this there is no blood circulation. As a result, the patient developed coronary artery disease. Egg yolk contains cholesterol. That material can get into the blood and cause more problems. Even bad fat accumulates in the heart. So it is better to avoid egg yolk if you have heart disease. But it is not permissible to eat the white part of the egg. You can eat this portion.
Healthy people can eat whole eggs. However, he is afraid of increasing cholesterol in the body if he eats more. So no more than one egg yolk a day. But egg white contains protein. You can eat that portion according to your protein needs.
Increased cholesterol in the body is very dangerous for the heart. However, there is good and bad in cholesterol. If you want to increase the level of good cholesterol in the body, then eat 2 eggs daily without fear. It reduces the risk of heart disease.
To keep the heart healthy, doctor’s advice is – no external oil, salt, spices. Avoid butter, ghee, herbs, cheese. Eat fruits, vegetables, vegetables. Also want to exercise 30 minutes a day. Only then can you stay well easily. So there is no reason to worry.
Tags: eggs and heart disease new study, truth about eggs and cholesterol, how much cholesterol in egg white, how much cholesterol in egg yolk, egg cholesterol ldl or hdl, can heart patient eat egg white, how many eggs can a heart patient eat per week, eggs and cholesterol latest research