Dust allergy medicine in Bangladesh, Dust allergy treatment, Dust allergy symptoms, Dust allergy symptoms in bengali, ডাস্ট এলার্জি থেকে মুক্তির উপায়, ডাস্ট এলার্জি ঔষধ, Types of allergy testing, Allergy symptoms.
Dust allergy is associated with air pollution. Excess dust, pollen, dust mites or fungus entering the lungs through the nose and mouth can cause allergies and inflammation, known as ‘dust allergy’.
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Symptoms of Dust Allergy
Sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath, fever, pressure in the chest, chills, excessive sweating, watery eyes, nasal congestion, itching, physical weakness, prolonged exposure to excessive dust can also cause pneumonia. People of all ages can have these problems.
Avoid excessive dusty environment to stay healthy. People with other allergy problems should take extra precautions.

How to Manage and Treat Dust Allergy?
– Masks can be worn during daily work. By using a mask, air-borne diseases such as allergies, asthma, sneezing, cough, phlegm, bronchitis, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and shortness of breath can be relieved to some extent. Flower molecules, germs, fungi, smoke, carbon particles etc. float in the air along with dust. The mask will save from all this.
– A lot of dust and microorganisms live in carpets. Carpets in the room should be removed, heavy curtains should not be used. So it is mandatory to use masks while cleaning carpets and bedding.
– Dust accumulates very quickly in the AC filter. AC filter should be cleaned regularly.
– Air purifiers can be used in offices and homes. Work area, vehicle and other places should be kept clean and dry.
– Antihistamines can be taken.
– Inhaler can be used on doctor’s advice if breathing problem is excessive.
– Do not smoke.
– Dust mite and many germs are formed there due to long use of mattress. These will increase people’s asthma or breathing problems.
– If there is no relief in a few days despite staying away from dust, consult a doctor.