People in Bangladesh coastal areas faces extreme drinking water challenges because of higher water salinity levels. The global sea levels rise due to climate change brings seawater closer to freshwater sources. Both the shallow and deep aquifer system is contaminating by saline intrusion in coastal Bangladesh. Also, the changing climate has increased temperatures over the years which made uneven rainfall and higher evaporation and ultimately making pre-monsoon season water scarcity. Ensuring safe drinking water for the people of salinity impacted coastal area is a matter of great challenge now. Installation of suitable water supply facilities in both household and community can ensure year round water supply through regular maintenance.
The main drinking water challenges faced by the Coastal people Bangladesh-
- Surface water is highly saline and freshwater are not available in shallow and deep aquifers.
- Water technologies are expensive and not affordable for the poor communities.
- Maximum water techniques depend on rainfall which is becoming irregular day by day due to climate change.
- Because of variation in water quality and quantity in different seasons coastal area people have to travel far to fetch water which may not be safe to drink always.
- People living in this salinity affected area suffer from different types of intestinal diseases during the water crisis period.
- People here are actually drinking both inadequate water and unsafe water.
- In Spite of water purification technologies availability, people use raw pond water as their major source of drinking water and the reason is pre-monsoon period water shortage from March to May.
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