Health and Fitness

Diabetes can cause kidney failure

Diabetes is a disease that can damage every organ from head to toe like brain, eyes, heart, kidneys, feet. What diabetics fear most is kidney failure. And kidney failure means dialysis for the rest of your life. One in three diabetics in the United States develops kidney disease from diabetes

Diabetes is one of the causes of kidney failure. 30 to 50 percent of patients with type-1 diabetes develop kidney failure. 15 to 20 percent of patients with type-2 diabetes may develop kidney failure.


Early stage: There may be no symptoms. Caught when tested.

Symptoms of later stages are:

♦ Uncontrolled blood pressure

♦ Passage of protein in urine

♦ Swelling of legs, eyes, hands

♦ Less insulin dose or diabetes medication required

♦ Shortness of breath

♦ Loss of appetite

♦ Nausea

♦ Body itching

♦ Feeling weak

♦ Anemia or paleness of the body.

Who is more at risk?

♦ People with diabetes for a long time.

♦ Those with uncontrolled diabetes.

♦ Those who smoke.

♦ People with diabetes and high blood pressure.

♦ Those who have frequent urinary infections.

♦ Problems with urinary tract.

♦ Those taking medicines harmful to kidneys. For example: pain medication.

♦ Those who have heart problems.

♦ Those who have stroke or retinopathy with diabetes.

♦ Hereditary causes.

Ways of prevention

♦ Keeping diabetes under control, keeping diabetes within 7 percent of the average for the last three months.

♦ Keeping high blood pressure under control, keeping blood pressure below 140/90.

♦ Avoiding smoking.

♦ Maintain personal hygiene to avoid urinary tract infections.

♦ To control diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol by seeing a diabetes and hormone specialist doctor after three months.

♦ Those who are overweight, try to lose weight.

♦ If blood fat is high, take medication to lower it.


If there is kidney disease from diabetes, protein will go with the urine. Blood Urea Nitrogen or BUN, Serum Creatinine, Urine Albumin Ratio and EGFR can be checked by your doctor.

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