
Dhaka to Chittagong train ticket price, schedule, stoppage, ticket booking

How much is the train fare from Dhaka to Chittagong? How to book Dhaka to Chittagong train ticket? How much is the train fare list?

Bangladesh Railway all trains schedule, ticket price, routes, booking

Distance from Dhaka to Chittagong

Dhaka to Chittagong railway distance is 340 km and road distance is 295 km.

The most advanced trains run from Dhaka to Chittagong. So if you want to have a risk-free journey with maximum safety, you need to book train tickets from Dhaka Kamalapur railway station to Chittagong.

How long does it take to go from Dhaka to Chittagong?

Suvarna Express will take maximum time of 5 hours 30 minutes if you travel by train from Dhaka to Chittagong by intercity train. Also if you travel by Mahanagar Express then your time will be 6 hours 30 minutes.

Besides, it will take 5 hours 45 minutes to go from Dhaka to Chittagong by Mahanagar Prabhati train. Also if you travel by Turna Express train it will take 6 hours 30 minutes. Sonar Bangla Express will take 5 hours 15 minutes to reach Chittagong.

Dhaka to Chittagong train stoppage

The total distance from Dhaka Kamalapur Railway Station to Chittagong Railway Station is 340 km, in which case the trains stop at about ten stations on the way. Also, the mentioned train stops at some stations.

Dhaka – Dhaka Airport – Bhairav Station – Brahmanbaria Station – Akhaura Station – Comilla Station – Laksam Station – Gunbati Station – Nee Station – Chittagong.

Dhaka to Chittagong train schedule

There are total 8 trains for you to travel from Dhaka to the port city of Chittagong. We have given the schedule of Dhaka to Chittagong trains here. In this case one should be careful about the closing days of the trains.

The information given here about Dhaka to Chittagong train schedule and ticket price has been collected from the official website of Bangladesh Railway, a Directorate under the Ministry of Railways of Bangladesh. The concerned authorities may make any kind of changes in the schedule and fare of the trains on this route at any time.

If you are ever subjected to any irregularity or harassment while traveling by train anywhere in Bangladesh, you can call the Ministry of Railways hotline number 131 and file a complaint.

Now let’s take a look at Dhaka to Chittagong train ticket price, ticket booking, schedule, stoppage .

Dhaka to Chittagong train schedule

Now let’s take a look at Dhaka to Chittagong train fare, ticket price, schedule, stops, ticket booking

Dhaka to Chittagong Train Schedule

No.Train NameOffDepartureArrival
702Subarna ExpressFri04.30 pm09:50 pm
722Mahanagar ExpressSun09:20 pm04:50 am
704Mahanagar ProvatiNo07:45 am02:00 pm
742Turna ExpressNo11:30 pm06:20 am
788Sonar Bangla ExpressWed07.00 am12:15 pm
2Chittagong MailNo10:30 pm07:15 am
4Karnaphuli ExpressNo08:45 am06:15 pm
67Chattala expressTue01:00 pm08:30 pm

Dhaka to Chittagong train ticket price or Dhaka to Chittagong train fare or

Dhaka to Chittagong train ticket price of Bangladesh Railway is given in the table below. Note that all trains may not have all the following classes of seats.

Shovan৳ 285
Shovan Chair৳ 345
First Seat৳ 460
Snigdha৳ 586
First Berth৳ 685
AC Seat৳ 788
AC Berth৳ 1179

Dhaka to Chittagong train online ticket booking

Tickets are required to travel by train, and the process of buying train tickets is now possible online. You can buy train tickets from Dhaka to Chittagong or any destination online from the comfort of your home. Bangladesh Railway has launched the facility of booking train tickets easily through their e-service website (Esheba) and Rail Seva (Rail Sheba) mobile app.

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