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Corona Virus (COVID-19) prevention measures that you should know

The virus is caused by a member of the Corona virus family that has never been seen before. There is currently no vaccine to prevent corona virus (COVID-19) disease. Since it is a viral pneumonia, there is no use of antibiotics. Antiviral drugs against flu are not effective. Healing from this disease depends on the person’s immunity.

Few vaccines are now in the research stage, but it may take several months to find out if they work. Since there is no vaccine for the disease, the only way to prevent the disease is to not allow the virus to spread to others.

By limiting the movement of people, the spread will be greatly reduced. Health workers must wear protective clothing and provide medical care to the patients separately. Keep yourself safe and aware of the spread of the virus to others.

What to do-

– Wash your hands for 20 seconds with a regular soap and water or alcohol based hand sanitizer
-When you cough or sneeze, cover your nose and mouth between the tissue or the elbow.
-Avoid intimacy with sick people (1 meter or 3 feet)
-If you feel sick, isolate yourself from others in the house and stay home
-Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean
-When you go out, use a mask that will keep the spread of the disease to a limited level.

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