Last updated on November 22nd, 2023 at 02:58 am
Chittagong All hospital list, contact address, phone number, Doctor list . Read our website carefully to get list of all hospitals, doctor list and phone number in Chittagong.
Chittagong All hospital Doctor List, Contact number, Address, Helpline, Serial Number, Location, Best doctor, Specialist.
In this website we provide the list of specialist doctors and their phone numbers. From here you can find the doctor you need and contact them.
You will be more happy to know that here we will present the list of doctors and phone numbers of almost all hospitals in Bangladesh.
This is our effort for your convenience. So visit the website and collect all the information.
List of all hospitals in Chittagong
Chittagong All hospital list, contact address, phone number, Doctor list
Al Amin Hospital & Diagnostic Center
Al Amin Hospital & Diagnostic Center, Chittagong Contact details-
- Al Amin Hospital & Diagnostic Center, Chittagong
- Address: 830, Zakir Hossain Road, AK Khan Gate, North Pahartali, Chattogram
- Contact: +8801683076070, +8801999933364
Asperia Health Care Limited
Asperia Health Care Chittagong Contact details-
- Asperia Health Care Ltd, Chittagong
- Address: Al-Noor Badrun Centre, 1486/1672, OR Nizam Road, Probartak Circle, Chattogram
- Contact: +8801810-004550, 02-333336920
- Website: https://www.asperiabd.com/
Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Chittagong
Bangladesh Eye Hospital Chittagong Doctor List & Contact number details-
- Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Chittagong
- Address: Probartak Sangha Building, Probartak Circle, Panchlaish, Chattogram
- Contact: +8801839392525, +8801768225275
- website: https://chittagong.bdeyehospital.com/consultants/
Chattogram Diabetic General Hospital
Chittagong Diabetic Hospital Doctor List & Contact number details-
- Chittagong Diabetic General Hospital
- Address: Zakir Hossain Road, Khulshi , Chattogram
- Contact: +88031659435-7, +8801844041140
- Website: http://ctgdiabetichospital.org/contact-us/
Chattogram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital
Chattogram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Doctor List & Contact Address
- Chattogram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital
- Address: Agrabad, Chittagong
- Contact: +880312520063
- Website: https://www.cmoshbd.org/
Chevron Clinical Laboratory, Chittagong
Chevron Chittagong Doctor List & Contact number details-
- Chevron Clinical Laboratory, Chittagong
- Address: 12/12, O.R Nizam Road, Panchlish, Chattogram
- Contact: +8801755666969, +8801756203720
- Website: https://www.chevronlab.com/
Chevron Clinical Laboratory, Halishahar
Chevron Halishahar Chittagong Doctor List & Contact number details-
Chevron Clinical Laboratory, Halishahar
Address: 993/2121, Agrabad Access Road, Halishahar, Chattogram
Contact: +8801701229090, +8801701229071
Website: https://www.facebook.com/chevronclinical/
Chevron Eye Hospital, Chittagong
Chevron Eye Hospital Chittagong Doctor List & Contact number details-
- Chevron Eye Hospital, Chittagong
- Address: Level 7, 12/12, O.R. Nizam Road, Panchlish, Chattogram
- Contact: +880312556877, +8801786554976
- Website: https://www.facebook.com/chevron.eye/
Chittagong Eye Infirmary & Training Complex
Chittagong Medical College & Hospital
Chittagong Square Clinical Laboratory
Chattogram Metropolitan Hospital Limited
Combined Military Hospital, Chittagong
CSCR Hospital, Chittagong
Delta Health Care Chittagong Limited
Doctor’s Lab. Chittagong
Ekushey Hospital, Chittagong
Epic Health Care, Chittagong
Evercare Hospital, Chittagong
Holy Health Hospital & Oriental Diagnostic Center, Chittagong
Ibn Sina Diagnostic & Consultation Center, Chittagong
Imperial Hospital Limited, Chittagong
Islami Bank Hospital, Chittagong
Labaid Hospital, Chittagong
Lancet Diagnostic Center, Chittagong
Lions Charitable Eye Hospital, Chittagong
Max Hospital & Diagnostic, Chittagong
Medical Centre Hospital, Chittagong
Metro Diagnostic Center, Chittagong
National Hospital & Sigma Lab, Chattogram
Parkview Hospital, Chittagong
People’s Hospital & Eagle’s Eye Diagnostic Center, Chittagong
Popular Diagnostic Center, Chittagong
Qrex Diagnostic & Consultation Centre, Chittagong
Royal Hospital & Bellevue Chittagong
Sensiv Pvt. Ltd, Chittagong
Shahjalal Diagnostic Clinic, Chittagong
Surecell Medical, Chattogram
Surgiscope Hospital, Chittagong
Treatment Hospital Pvt Ltd, Chittagong
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