Many people are trying to reduce belly fat. Maintaining a proper body weight is healthy. When it increases, many problems are created. The two types of belly fat affect your body differently.
- Visceral Fat: Visceral fat is a type of fat that resides deep within your abdominal organs and is not visible from the outside. It surrounds the stomach, liver, intestines and other vital organs.
- Subcutaneous Fat: Subcutaneous fat is the fat under your skin. You can hold it with your hand. Subcutaneous fat is mainly stored around the buttocks, thighs and abdomen.
Now let’s know 10 reasons why belly fat increases:
- Drinking a lot of sugary drinks. This type of sugar leads to accumulation of fat in the belly. Fat accumulates not only in the stomach but also in the liver. So eliminate sugar from the diet. You can drink tea, black coffee, water etc. without sugar.
- Eating a lot of processed food or packaged food leads to accumulation of belly fat. Reduce eating out and eat home-cooked food. Barley, corn, wheat, oats, rice are good to eat. A variety of vegetables and fruits should be eaten.
- Not eating the right amount of protein. Protein is a very important micronutrient that helps reduce belly fat. So fish, meat, eggs, milk, nuts should be eaten.
- Lack of physical activity. It is very difficult to lose weight if you reduce physical exertion. There is no way without it. So you have to exercise. It will not happen if you sit all day.
- Eating too much when you sit down to eat is a major cause of belly fat gain. Eating too much will cause a lot of calories to enter the body. Do not eat too much at once and eat small amounts frequently.
- Belly fat can increase even if you are under stress.
- Not paying attention to what you eat. If you are eating well at home but eating what is served outside, it will not happen.
- Trans fats enter our bodies in two ways. naturally and artificially. Fat naturally comes from meat and dairy products. The trans fat that comes into our body artificially causes problems. Eg: Donuts, cakes, frozen pizzas, packet biscuits, margarine etc. Trans fats raise bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower good cholesterol (HDL).
- Abdominal fat can increase if you don’t get enough sleep. Sleep 7 to 8 hours.
- Don’t just sit around looking for problems. If you follow the rules, the fat will stay in its place and will not increase.