Health and FitnessLifestyle

Body fitness in 20 minutes of exercise

Last updated on December 30th, 2020 at 09:00 am

Someone is walking on the street morning and evening, someone is walking for hours in the gym. But you can’t go to the gym due to a lot of busyness, you can’t walk in the morning and afternoon without following the rules. For this, of course, you don’t have to spend hours in the gym, you just need to find a little time in the middle of busyness. Not too much, just 15 to 20 minutes. It is possible to keep the body fit by doing a few small exercises in a short period of time. Then why is it late? Let’s start today with this small effort to keep the body fit. These exercises should be chosen according to the condition and time of the body. These exercises can be done in a short time at home or in the gym or even in a small field next to the house.

Exercise with weights

Circuit-1: Clean and press eight times with dumbbells, eight lances, eight push ups, eight barbell roses.

After completing Circuit-1, one should rest for one to one and half minutes.

Circuit 2: Bench Press 10 times, Dumbbell Row 10 times, Squat 12 times, Good Morning 8 times. Circuit-1 has to be started again. Before that you have to rest for one to one and a half minutes.

Jump rope

Circuit 1: Push ups 10 times, squats 15 times, crunches 25 times and jump rope 250 to 300 times as fast as possible. After resting for one to two minutes, the whole circuit should be done two to three times. The number of circuits will depend on the fitness of the athlete.

Circuit 2: Push ups 10 times, rope jump 100 times, lanyards eight to 12 times per leg, rope jump 100 times, pike walk and again rope jump 100 times. After resting for one to two minutes, the whole circuit should be done two to three times. The number of circuits will depend on the fitness of the athlete. The number can be increased if you have good fitness.

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