Health and Fitness

Biggest Mistakes People Make When Trying to Lose Weight

Weight gain is a major problem for many. Everyone wants to keep themselves beautiful and tidy. Especially to stay free from diseases, weight should be kept low. But while losing weight we follow some wrong rules which do more harm than good.

It’s hard to find people who don’t care about stability. When we get a little fat, we jump on a diet. The mistakes we make while dieting do not lose weight but instead cause damage to our health.

You can say that I do a lot of dieting, even walking, but the weight does not decrease. Frustration is a very common problem when trying to lose weight. Research shows that a person can lose up to 10 percent of their weight with an all-out effort. Most people in this category gain up to two-thirds of their weight again within a year. So what is the way out of this frustration? In fact, we make some common mistakes when trying to lose weight. These are the mistakes that stand in the way of weight loss. Lets discuss today What are the common mistake people make when trying to lose weight?

Mistakes People Make When Trying to Lose Weight

Do not rush

Most people want to lose weight very quickly. Weight gained over 5 to 10 years is almost impossible to lose in three months. So first a long term plan should be taken. Losing 5-10 percent from initial weight can significantly reduce the risk of obesity-related diseases. The goal must be fixed first. Then proceed slowly. There is no need to weigh yourself every week. This leads to frustration.

Not a crash diet

A crash diet (a rapid weight loss strategy involving dietary changes) initially results in rapid weight loss, but within three years the weight is regained. In this case, it is better to cut 500-600 calories from daily food. Along with that, you should eat balanced food. That is, sugars should be about 50 percent, meat about 30 percent and fat about 20 percent in the diet, along with enough vitamins and minerals.

Diet alone does not reduce weight

Just dieting does not lose weight, exercise or manual labor is also required. 70 percent of the magic of weight loss is dietary changes, the remaining 30 percent is exercise. Apart from exercise, keep yourself active enough. People who get up from their seats once an hour and do some stretching (stretching their arms and legs) increase their metabolism by up to 13 percent.

Get enough sleep

The idea that sleeping more leads to weight gain is not true. On the other hand, people who get less sleep are more prone to sleepiness. Waking up at night increases weight. Stress also increases weight. So don’t worry too much about not losing weight.


Many people think that if you don’t eat, your body weight will decrease. Where 3 meals are supposed to be eaten, 2 meals must be eaten. Those who have this idea are very wrong. Abstaining from food reduces the ability of the body to digest food. If one skips one meal, it is normal for him to eat more than usual the next meal. But it is important to eat three meals a day to keep the body healthy. If one is trying to lose weight then he should also eat three meals a day. However, the amount of food per meal can be reduced than usual. In this case, low calorie foods should be chosen.

Reducing the amount of calories in food

A normal person needs 1200 calories per day. Even if you want to lose weight, you must keep protein and fat in your diet.

Not eating full meals

Leaving hunger in the stomach is not good at all. It is not possible to lose weight while living with physical weakness. Instead, you should eat three meals a day in moderation.

Not eating according to the rules

Many people think that skipping meals will help them lose weight. So many people skip breakfast or dinner. But not eating in the morning can cause gastric. Three meals should be eaten regularly.

Eating more after exercise

Many people overeat to regenerate cells after exercise. Don’t do that. Exercise does not necessarily mean eating more.

Extra exercise

It is a misconception that heavy exercise can help you lose weight. Excessive exercise damages your muscles. So do not over exercise.

Falling asleep at night immediate after Eating

Eat at least 3-4 hours before going to sleep. Digestion should be allowed while awake. Otherwise, the metabolic process continues while sleeping and digestion is disturbed.

Skipping breakfast

Many people skip breakfast to cut calories. But because of this hunger you eat too much at noon; Which in turn increases your weight. Eating a protein- and fiber-rich breakfast in the morning will keep you hungry throughout the day. Studies have shown that people who start their day with a nutritious breakfast in the morning are much healthier and don’t go wrong with their diet.

Eating snacks irregularly

You may follow many rules while eating. But sometimes eating snacks during work or chat. Eating these irregular snacks makes your diet chart ineffective. So if you want to reduce calories then definitely stop eating untimely snacks.

Avoiding nuts

Many people do not eat nuts for fear of calories. But almonds are high in protein, which aids in digestion. So experts recommend eating almonds in small amounts regularly.

Avoid eating low-fat foods

Low-fat is very important for the body. Always remember, low-fat and low-calorie are not the same thing. If you want to eat a piece of low-fat cake, then eat less calorie-dense foods. Only then will harmony prevail.

Consuming caloric juices or coffee

Many times while dieting, we follow many rules of food to the letter but cannot give up coffee or juice. A cup of coffee has more than 500 calories. And the juice calories start working in the body very quickly. So if you want to lose weight then you should avoid such drinks along with dieting.

Drink less water

Everyone makes this mistake while dieting. Water is very effective in reducing calories. If you suffer from dehydration due to lack of water intake, you will have digestive problems. This will slow down your weight loss. So make it a habit to drink a glass of water every time you eat.

Avoid dairy foods

It is true that eating full fat milk, cheese and ice cream can lead to weight gain. But this fear can be reversed if you completely stop eating dairy products. Experts say that if the body gets proper amount of calcium then it will be effective in reducing fat and if there is deficiency of calcium in the body then the weight will increase a lot. So try to eat milky foods to fill the deficiency of calcium in the body. But of course, don’t forget about nonfat and low-fat.

Eating fast food on holidays

All week you eat salads and healthy meals to lose weight. But choosing fast food on holidays. Especially when traveling somewhere far away, there is no sense anymore. Even on the way you are opting for fast food, making your whole week’s hard work go in vain. Experts say that people who eat fast food more than twice a week gain 10 kg of weight compared to other dieters.

Make unrealistic plans

If you think you will lose 20 kg in the first week of the diet, you will never lose weight. If you want to lose at least five kilos in a week then it is possible for you. So before the diet, don’t think about anything unrealistic and try as much as you can.

Is there another reason?

Thyroid, cortisol and some other hormonal complications can lead to weight gain. Weight gain is also a side effect of some medications. A doctor should be consulted to find out if there is any reason behind weight loss.

Tags: weight loss mistakes to avoid in 2022, how to lose weight fast, mistakes in losing belly fat, what almost everyone gets wrong about weight loss, 5 fruits to avoid for weight loss, how to stop weight loss due to stress, how to lose weight naturally, weight loss diet

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