Is weight loss possible without dieting? Excess body fat-weight fades the beauty! Currently, men and women are suffering from the problem of obesity as well as children. However, there is no alternative to exercising and eating nutritious food to lose weight.
However, in addition to this, it is important to follow some rules. Let’s find out how you can lose weight without a strict diet-
Proven Ways to Lose Weight Without Diet
Eat slowly
It is a very effective way to lose weight. Chewing food slowly helps digestion, and you will feel full with less food.
Science supports the fact that eating faster leads to more consumption. This is because the brain signals the stomach to be full shortly after starting to eat. So if you eat slowly for 15-20 minutes you will eat less.
Just focus on the food
Most people now stare at electronic screens while eating. It involves less food and more attention. In this case, eating becomes more. As a result, the weight starts increasing.
Eat more protein foods
Eat more protein foods like eggs, chicken, sour cream, etc. Protein keeps the stomach full for longer. It reduces the tendency to eat repeatedly.
Eat fibrous food
Along with protein, fibrous foods should be kept in the diet. This kind of food is especially useful in reducing the urge to eat again and again.
Avoid unhealthy foods
Avoid fried food or fast food if you want to lose weight. You will never lose weight if you have a habit of eating junk food.
Instead, keep carrots, cucumbers and beetroot in the diet. Also eat lots of green leafy vegetables and salads.
Avoid sugary drinks
Avoid various drinks or sodas, starting with sugary juices. They are very harmful to health. Instead, drink lemon juice, canned water, etc.
Drink 2 glasses of water 20 minutes before meals
Drinking at least one or two glasses of water before meals can also be a healthy habit. It reduces the tendency to overeat. This is one strategy to prevent overeating.
Regular sleep is essential
Everyone is busy with various tasks in the busy life. Many have the habit of waking up at night. In the field of work, many people wake up on purpose.
This practice is very harmful to health. If you don’t get regular deep sleep, you won’t lose weight easily. Therefore, reduce screen time before going to bed and practice sleeping quickly at night.
Source: Times of India
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