Many people are seen to be worried about Acne Scars. Sunburn, acne, age can cause scarring on the face. Although many creams are available in the market, it has many side effects. Therefore, try to remove Acne Scars in a homely way.
Before starting home treatment to remove the scars, you need to know why the scars are happening.
Let’s find out some common reasons behind facial scars.
Ultraviolet rays of the sun: Harmful rays of the sun can cause dark spots on the face. The main cause of hyperpigmentation.
Hormonal changes: Due to melasma, that is, due to hormonal imbalance, black spots can often appear on the face.
Inflammation: Acne, eczema and allergic reactions can cause scarring.
Home Remedies for Acne Scars:
To get rid of facial scars, first try some methods at home. All natural ingredients work great for the face. Let’s take a look at some of these elements.
Potatoes contain an enzyme called catecholase, which removes dark spots on the skin and helps to brighten the skin. Grate a small potato and put it in your mouth. Then leave it for 15 to 20 minutes and wash it off with water.
Lemon juice:
Lemon is a good source of vitamin C, which is rich in antioxidants. You can apply fresh lemon juice on the whole face and also on the affected area. Apply lemon juice on the face and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes and wash it off in cold water. You can use lemon juice every day to remove facial scars quickly.
Aloe vera:
Aloe vera gel has healing and anti-inflammatory properties. Applying aloe vera gel to the skin every day can reduce blemishes as well as increase collagen production. Aloe vera is also effective in relieving wounds or boils.
Tomato juice:
Another fruit rich in vitamin C is tomato which works great in removing skin blemishes. Also, tomatoes contain lycopene, which helps in quick removal of facial scars. The natural astringent properties of tomatoes also help to shrink open pores.
Papaya is a good source of vitamin C. Take ripe papaya, squeeze it well and then apply it on the face. Wash off after 20 minutes. Papaya brightens the skin as well as removes skin blemishes.
Almond Oil:
Tetrahydrocarcumin is an extract of turmeric which helps in removing black spots. Make a paste by mixing milk with turmeric and apply it on the face. Rinse with lukewarm water for 20 minutes.
Almond oil:
Almond oil is a rich source of vitamin E, which helps to reduce facial blemishes and improve skin texture. Rub almond oil on dark spots daily, or add a few drops of almond oil to your daily moisturizer. You will be able to understand the difference in a few days.
If these home remedies do not work, consult a doctor to remove the black spots.
Source: Femina