How to take care of skin in winter naturally, skin care in winter for dry skin, best skin care for winter season, winter skin care tips by dermatologists, winter skin care homemade tips, how to keep skin moisturized in winter naturally, what is winter skin, winter skin care routine for dry skin.
Best skin care Tips for winter season naturally
1. Due to the dry weather in winter, it has an adverse effect on the skin. As a result, the skin needs to be taken care of throughout the winter. In dry weather the skin becomes cracked, discolored and sickly. So, alkaline soaps is no need at all to clean dry skin.
2. It is important to wipe the face with a thin soft face towel or cloth and use a good moisturizer on the face. It is best to reapply this moisturizer as needed. Sunscreen or sunblock cream need to use on the face before going out during the day.

3. Those who have dry face skin, their body skin is also dry, in this case they should use lukewarm water during bathing.
4. Olive oil or pure coconut oil should be used while the body is slightly wet after bathing. They keep the body skin soft and smooth.
5. Those with extra dry skin should use petroleum jelly or plain vaseline on the drier parts of the body such as the ankles.
6. Those with normal skin, their skin also suffers from dryness in winter. However, there is little need to use petroleum jelly on their skin.
7. If the skin is oily then use no oily moisturizer after washing the face. It is better to use ‘Oil Free Moisturizer’ as there is danger of adverse reaction on the skin.
8. If you use it regularly on your lips before going to bed at night, you will be protected from chapped lips.
But whatever is the nature of the skin, all skin needs extra care to get rid of winter dryness. This is why proper skin care should be taken according to nature.