Homeopathy is a medical system based on the belief that the body can cure itself. Here in this site you can find out & choose the best Homeopathy doctor in Dhaka Bangladesh with their necessary chamber information & contact number.
Best Homeopathy Doctor List of Bangladesh. Homeopathy Specialist Doctor in Dhaka – list, qualification and training, chamber address and google location, phone number for an appointment.
You will find here Best Homeopathy Specialist Doctor and Specialist in Dhaka.
Find here the best Homeopathy Specialist Doctor Specialist in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Here, renowned and top Homeopathy Doctor List has been shared. The best Homeopathy Specialist in Dhaka has been sorted based on the popularity and positive review. There have manyHomeopathy Specialist Doctor in Dhaka city here and there where you should always look for the best one. And you shouldn’t miss these collections.
Homeopathy Specialist Doctors of Bangladesh offers best treatment for a broader range of patients who need help.
Bangladesh Doctor List
Prof. Dr. AKM Sahid Ullah
BA, DHMS (Dhaka), MD (India)
Homeopathic Specialist
Chamber: Chadpur Homeo Clinic
Address: 16, Rankin Street, Wary, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: 10am to 1pm & 5pm to 9pm (Closed: Friday)
Contact Number: +8801711 005076
Dr. Ruhul Amin
BHMS (Dhaka University)
Piles, Asthma, Sex, Back Pain & Chronic Diseases Specialist
Chamber: Janani Homeo Medicare
Address: House # 02, Road # 04, Mirpur 10, Roundabout,, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: 4pm to 9.30pm (Closed: Friday)
Contact Number: +8801627585412
Dr. Hasanuzzaman
Homeopathic Physician & Consultant
Chamber: Natural Health
Address: House # 15, Road # 34, Sector # 7, Uttara, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: 11am to 2pm (Closed: Friday) & 5pm to 9pm (Closed: Thursday)
Contact Number: +8801727035044
Dr. Md. Moniruzzaman
Skin, Asthma, Sex & Chronic Diseases Specialist
Chamber: Homeopathic Solutions & Research, Mirpur
Address: Mirpur 14, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: 4pm to 9pm (Closed: Friday)
Contact Number: +8801521234793
Dr. Momtaz Akter
Child, Gynecology & Infertility Specialist (Homeopathy)
Chamber: Janani Homeo Medicare
Address: House # 02, Road # 04, Mirpur 10, Roundabout,, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: 4pm to 9pm (Only Saturday)
Contact Number: +8801991508827
Dr. Nazmul Hasan Jamson
BHMS (DU), Diploma (Chinese Medicine), MSc (Microbiology), M.Phil
Homeopathic Doctor & Consultant
Chamber: Dr. Nazmul’s Chamber
Address: 137/12, B-4, Priyangong R/A, Mazar Road, Mirpur 1, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: 6pm to 10.30pm (Closed: Friday)
Contact Number: +8801713520172
Dr. Md. Nazrul Islam Bhuiyan
Homeopathic Doctor & Consultant
Chamber: Islam Homeo Pharmacy
Address: 24/3, Chamelibagh, Shantinagar, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown. Please call to know visiting hour
Contact Number: +8801712293006
Dr. ABM Bazlul Hasan
Homeopathic Doctor & Consultant
Chamber: Sicilia Homeo Clinic
Address: 198, Malibagh Bazar Road, Malibagh, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown. Please call to know visiting hour
Contact Number: +8801911500847
Dr. Abdullah Al Mahmud Masud
Homeopathic Doctor & Consultant
Chamber: Masud Homeo Hall
Address: 46/1, Toyenbi Circular Road, Joy Kalimondir, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown. Please call to know visiting hour
Contact Number: +8801711053748
Dr. Aziza Parveen
Homeopathic Doctor & Consultant
Chamber: Natural Health
Address: House # 15, Road # 34, Sector # 7, Uttara, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: 11am to 2pm (Closed: Friday) & 5pm to 9pm (Closed: Thursday)
Contact Number: +8801727035044
Dr. Eidris Ali
Infertility Specialist (Homeopathy)
Chamber: Dhaka Homeopathy
Address: Krishi Market, Ring Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: 10am to 10pm (Everyday)
Contact Number: +8801819476612
Dr. Kazy Habibur Rahman
BHMS (DU), MPH (Reproductive & Child Health )
Trained in Anti Diabetic Plants Research (Asian Network of Research in Anti Diabetic Plants)
General Homoeopathic Physician
Chamber: Kazy Homoeopathic Treatment & Private Research Center
Address: 73, Jonaki Road, Ahmednagar, Paikpara, Mirpur-1, Dhaka – 1216
Visiting Hour: 5.30pm to 11pm (Sat to Thu) & 9.30aam to 11pm (Fri)
Contact Number: +8801738618894
Homeopathy Doctor in Dhaka
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