Best Foods that will reduce migraine pain and help headaches.
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Migraine pain can be caused by various reasons including mental stress, not eating according to the rules, irregular sleep etc.
Apart from this, the stress of the whole day’s work becomes a cause of headache. And if that pain is a migraine, then there is nothing you can do. But stress alone is not the main cause of migraine pain.
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Genetic factors, hormonal changes can also cause migraine pain. Sometimes medicine does not cure this pain. But there are several foods, which can relieve you from the problem of migraine. Find out what those foods are.
Best Foods that will reduce migraine pain and help headaches
Water and fruit juice

Dehydration is one of the causes of migraines. Migraine patients can benefit from drinking enough water, lemon juice, amla, tea, aloe vera fruit juice.
Green vegetables
Antioxidant foods are essential to reduce migraine. Foods containing magnesium are very beneficial for migraine sufferers.
As can be said, spinach is rich in magnesium. If you have migraine problem then you can eat more spinach or green vegetables.
Almonds are rich in magnesium, calcium, which helps in reducing stress and nervous tension. Apart from this, almonds contain a large amount of anti-oxidants, which play an important role in reducing headaches. So migraine sufferers need to eat almonds regularly.
Dark chocolate
Chocolate is loved by everyone, young and old. Just as you can ease someone’s heartache with a piece of chocolate, you may not know that a piece of chocolate has the power to relieve you of excruciating migraine pain.
Be it a cold or a cough or a sore throat, cloves are considered the only cure for all ailments. So always keep a clove with you. Eat it whenever you feel a headache. And get the benefit.
But specific foods or medications for migraines are hard to say. Be sure to consult your nutritionist before consuming them if this is too problematic.
Source: Hindustan Times