Khulna diabetes and hormone specialist doctor
An endocrinologist, also known as a diabetes and hormone specialist, is a medical practitioner who specializes in the treatment of diabetes, thyroid, glands, hormones, and metabolism-related conditions. This page provides information on the top diabetes and hormone specialists available in Khulna, along with their chamber details and contact numbers, enabling you to choose the best specialist for your needs.
diabetes and hormone specialistSurgeons / Doctors in Khulna Bangladesh
Best diabetes and hormone specialist Doctor List of Bangladesh. diabetes and hormone Specialist Doctor in Khulna – list, qualification and training, chamber address and google location, phone number for an appointment.
You will find here Best diabetes and hormone specialist Doctor and Specialist in Khulna.
Find here the best diabetes and hormone Specialist Doctor Specialist in Khulna, Bangladesh. Here, renowned and top diabetes and hormone Doctor List has been shared. The best diabetes and hormone Specialist in Khulna has been sorted based on the popularity and positive review. There have many diabetes and hormone Specialist Doctor in Khulna city here and there where you should always look for the best one. And you shouldn’t miss these collections.
diabetes and hormone Specialist Doctors of Bangladesh offers best treatment for a broader range of patients who need help.
Dr. Debashish Kumar Ghosh
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Medicine), MRCP (UK), MD (Endocrinology)
Thyroid, Hormone, Diabetes & Medicine Specialist
Khulna Medical College & Hospital
Royal Diagnostic & Consultation Limited, Khulna
Address: 4, KDA Avenue, Khulna
Visiting Hour: Unknown. Please call to know visiting hour
Appointment: +8801716-591930
Labaid Diagnostic, Khulna
Address: House # A5, Majid Sarani, Sonadanga, Khulna
Visiting Hour: 5pm to 8pm (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8801766661020
Dr. Md. Asaduzzaman
MBBS (RMC), BCS (Health), MD (Endocrinology), MACE (USA)
Diabetes, Thyroid & Hormone Specialist
Shaheed Shaikh Abu-Naser Specialized Hospital
Popular Diagnostic Center, Khulna
Address: 37 KDA Avenue, Khulna
Visiting Hour: 3pm to 5pm (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8801799047719
Sandhani Clinic & Diagnostic Complex, Khulna
Address: 58, Babu Khan Road, Opposite of Azam Khan Commerce College, Khulna
Visiting Hour: 5pm to 9pm (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8801799047719
Dr. A. H. M. Shadequl Islam
MBBS, BCS (Health), MD (Endocrinology & Metabolism)
Diabetes, Thyroid & Hormone Specialist
Shaheed Shaikh Abu-Naser Specialized Hospital
Islami Bank Hospital, Khulna
Address: 42, Khan Jahan Ali Road, Shantidham Mor, Khulna
Visiting Hour: 2.30pm to 5pm (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8801711298607
Diabetes & Hormone Specialist in Khulna