Neonatal and Pediatric Specialist Doctor in Khulna
Best Child Specialist Doctor in Khulna
On this page, you can discover and select the top child specialist physicians in Khulna, along with their clinic details and phone numbers. A pediatrician is a medical professional with expertise in diagnosing and managing illnesses and disorders in children.
Neonatal and Pediatric Surgeons / Doctors in Khulna Bangladesh
Best Child Doctor List of Bangladesh. Child Specialist Doctor in Khulna â list, qualification and training, chamber address and google location, phone number for an appointment.
You will find here Best Child Specialist Doctor and Specialist in Khulna.
Find here the best Child Specialist Doctor Specialist in Khulna, Bangladesh. Here, renowned and top Child Doctor List has been shared. The best Child Specialist in Khulna has been sorted based on the popularity and positive review. There have many Child Specialist Doctor in Khulna city here and there where you should always look for the best one. And you shouldnât miss these collections.
Child Specialist Doctors of Bangladesh offers best treatment for a broader range of patients who need help.
Prof. Dr. Khan Golam Mostafa
MBBS, MCPS, MD (Pediatrics)
Newborn, Child & Adolescent Diseases Specialist
Satkhira Medical College & Hospital
Personal Chamber, Satkhira
Address: Kopotakkho Petrol Pump, Palashpol, Satkhira
Visiting Hour: 3pm to 8pm (Closed: Thursday & Friday)
Appointment: +8801720004100
Khulna City Medical College & Hospital
Address: 25/26, KDA Avenue, Moilapota Square, Khulna Sadar, Khulna
Visiting Hour: 3pm to 9pm (Thursday) & 8.30pm to 11pm (Friday)
Appointment: +8801999099099
Dr. AKM Mamunur Rashid
Newborn, Adolescent & Child Diseases Specialist
Khulna Medical College & Hospital
Islami Bank Hospital, Khulna
Address: 42, Khan Jahan Ali Road, Shantidham Mor, Khulna
Visiting Hour: 6pm to 9pm (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8801711298607
Prof. Dr. Abdullah Al Mahboob
Newborn, Child & Adolescent Diseases Specialist
Khulna Medical College & Hospital
Khulna City Medical College & Hospital
Address: 25/26, KDA Avenue, Moilapota Square, Khulna Sadar, Khulna
Visiting Hour: 5pm to 8pm (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8801999099099
Dr. Sheikh Munir Ahmed
MBBS, PGT (Pediatrics), PGPN (Boston, USA)
Child & Nutrition Specialist
Khulna Shishu Hospital
Labcon Diagnostic & Consultation Center, Khulna
Address: 63, Ahsan Ahmed Road, Khulna
Visiting Hour: 5pm to 9pm (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8801707080462
Dr. Farrukh Ahmad
MBBS, MCPS, MD (Pediatrics)
Child Specialist
Khulna Medical College & Hospital
Islami Bank Hospital, Khulna
Address: 42, Khan Jahan Ali Road, Shantidham Mor, Khulna
Visiting Hour: 7.30pm to 9pm (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8801711298607
Doctors Point Specialized Hospital, Khulna
Address: 49, KDA Avenue, Khulna
Visiting Hour: 5pm to 7pm (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8801795383803
Dr. Sharafat Hossain
MBBS, BCS (Health), DCH (Child), FCPS (Child)
Child Diseases Specialist
General Hospital, Khulna
Garib Nawaz Clinic Diagnostic Limited, Khulna
Address: C3, KDA Avenue, Khulna
Visiting Hour: Unknown. Please call to know visiting hour
Appointment: +8801873184045
Dr. AKM Asaduzzaman
MBBS, MCPS, MMED (Pediatrics)
Newborn, Child & Adolescent Diseases Specialist
Khulna City Medical College & Hospital
Khulna City Medical College & Hospital
Address: 25/26, KDA Avenue, Moilapota Square, Khulna Sadar, Khulna
Visiting Hour: Unknown. Please call to know visiting hour
Appointment: +8801999099099
Dr. Md. Kabirul Islam
MBBS, MD (Pediatrics), PGPN (USA), ENS (Germany)
Child & Nutrition Specialist
Khulna Medical College & Hospital
Islami Bank Hospital, Khulna
Address: 42, Khan Jahan Ali Road, Shantidham Mor, Khulna
Visiting Hour: 3pm to 6pm (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8801711298607
Dr. Evana Nasrin
MBBS (DMC), BCS (Health), FCPS (Pediatrics)
Child Diseases Specialist
Khulna Medical College & Hospital
Labaid Diagnostic, Khulna
Address: House # A5, Majid Sarani, Sonadanga, Khulna
Visiting Hour: 5pm to 9pm (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8801766661020
Dr. Ehsanul Kabir
MBBS, DCH, Higher Training in Child Diseases (Malaysia)
Child Diseases Specialist
Khulna City Medical College & Hospital
Khulna City Medical College & Hospital
Address: 25/26, KDA Avenue, Moilapota Square, Khulna Sadar, Khulna
Visiting Hour: Unknown. Please call to know visiting hour
Appointment: +8801999099099
Dr. N. N. Baruri
Child Diseases Specialist
Khulna Medical College & Hospital
Khulna Lab Diagnostic & Consultation Center
Address: 46, Babu Khan Road, West Side of Pioneer College, Khulna
Visiting Hour: Unknown. Please call to know visiting hour
Appointment: +8801973127423
Dr. Rana Kumar Biswas
MBBS, BCS (Health), DCH (DU), FCPS (Pediatrics), MD (Pediatric Gastroenterology)
Child Diseases & Child Gastroliver Specialist
250 Bed General Hospital, Khulna
Popular Diagnostic Center, Khulna
Address: 37 KDA Avenue, Khulna
Visiting Hour: 4pm to 8pm (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +880966678782