Last updated on November 22nd, 2023 at 06:46 pm
On this page, you can discover and select the top hematologists in Khulna who focus on illnesses associated with blood, such as blood cancer, blood disorders, leukemia, and more. The page features their office details and contact numbers for your convenience.
Hematologist / Doctors in Khulna Bangladesh
List of Best Doctors in Khulna (Doctor Directory) 2024
Best Hematologist Doctor List of Bangladesh. Hematologist Specialist Doctor in Khulna – list, qualification and training, chamber address and google location, phone number for an appointment.
You will find here Best Hematologist Specialist Doctor and Specialist in Khulna.
Find here the best Hematologist Doctor Specialist in Khulna, Bangladesh. Here, renowned and top Blood Diseases Doctor List has been shared. The best Blood Diseases Specialist in Khulna has been sorted based on the popularity and positive review. There have many Blood Diseases Specialist Doctor in Khulna city here and there where you should always look for the best one. And you shouldn’t miss these collections.
Blood Diseases Specialist Doctors of Bangladesh offers best treatment for a broader range of patients who need help.
Dr. Md. Ashikuzzaman
MBBS, BCS (Health), MD (Hematology)
Hematology Specialist
Dhaka Medical College & Hospital
Labaid Diagnostic, Khulna
Address: House # A5, Majid Sarani, Sonadanga, Khulna
Visiting Hour: 5pm to 10pm (Thursday) & 9am to 5pm (Friday)
Appointment: +8801766661020
Dr. S. M. Zaved Mahmud
MBBS, BCS (Health), MD (BSMMU)
Child Diseases & Child Blood Diseases Specialist
Khulna Medical College & Hospital
Doctors Point Specialized Hospital, Khulna
Address: 49, KDA Avenue, Khulna
Visiting Hour: 4pm to 8pm (Saturday to Tuesday)
Appointment: +8801795383803