On this page, you can discover and select a top pain management specialist in Khulna, who is a physician responsible for administering medication to ensure that a patient does not experience pain during surgical procedures. The specialist’s contact number and clinic details are also available.
Anesthesiology Surgeons / Doctors in Khulna Bangladesh
Best Anesthesiology Doctor List of Bangladesh. Anesthesiology Specialist Doctor in Khulna – list, qualification and training, chamber address and google location, phone number for an appointment.
You will find here Best Anesthesiology Specialist Doctor and Specialist in Khulna.
Find here the best Anesthesiology Specialist Doctor Specialist in Khulna, Bangladesh. Here, renowned and top Anesthesiology Doctor List has been shared. The best Anesthesiology Specialist in Khulna has been sorted based on the popularity and positive review. There have many Anesthesiology Specialist Doctor in Khulna city here and there where you should always look for the best one. And you shouldn’t miss these collections.
Anesthesiology Specialist Doctors of Bangladesh offers best treatment for a broader range of patients who need help.
Dr. Md. Belal Uddin
MBBS, MCPS (Anesthesiology), DA (BSMMU)
Pain & Palliative Care Specialist
Shaheed Shaikh Abu-Naser Specialized Hospital
Doctors Point Specialized Hospital, Khulna
Address: 49, KDA Avenue, Khulna
Visiting Hour: 7pm to 9pm (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8801795383803
Dr. Lipika Roy
MBBS, MD (Anesthesiology), Special Training (ICU, HDU & PCM)
Anesthesiology & ICU Specialist
Shaheed Shaikh Abu-Naser Specialized Hospital
Khulna City Medical College & Hospital
Address: 25/26, KDA Avenue, Moilapota Square, Khulna Sadar, Khulna
Visiting Hour: Unknown. Please call to know visiting hour
Appointment: +8801999099099
Dr. Daud Hossain
MBBS, DA (Anesthesiology)
Cardiac Anesthesiology Specialist
Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, Khulna
Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, Khulna
Address: A-17, Majid Sarani, Sonadanga, Khulna – 9001
Visiting Hour: 9am to 5pm (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8801755660067