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Bashundhara Eye Hospital Hotline and Address
Bashundhara Eye Hospital & Research Institute
Address: 474, Road # 5, Block # D, Beside Mededi Mart, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka
Contact: +8809643200700, +8801775559977
Website: https://www.vcf-bd.org/
Here the address, phone number, specialist doctor list, patient appointment schedule, serial number, mobile number, chamber, contact address of Bashundhara Eye Hospital & Research Institute are given in detail.
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Bashundhara Eye Hospital Doctor List

Prof. Dr. Md. Salehuddin
Eye Specialist & Surgeon
Professor, Ophthalmology
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Hospital
Bashundhara Eye Hospital & Research Institute
Address: 474, Road # 5, Block # D, Beside Mededi Mart, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: 9am to 1pm (Sat, Mon & Thu)
Appointment: +8809643200700
Dr. Md. Mostafa Hossain
MBBS, DO, MS (EYE), Fellowship (Pediatric Ophthalmology)
Pediatric Ophthalmology Specialist
Senior Consultant, Pediatric Ophthalmology
Ispahani Islamia Eye Institute & Hospital
Bashundhara Eye Hospital & Research Institute
Address: 474, Road # 5, Block # D, Beside Mededi Mart, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: 9am to 1pm (Friday)
Appointment: +8809643200700
Prof. Dr. S. M. Munirul Huq
MBBS, DO (Ireland), FRCS (Glasgow), FRCO (UK), FACS (USA)
Eye Specialist & Phaco Surgeon
Professor, Ophthalmology
Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College & Hospital
Bashundhara Eye Hospital & Research Institute
Address: 474, Road # 5, Block # D, Beside Mededi Mart, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: 9.30am to 12.30pm (Saturday & Sunday)
Appointment: +8809643200700
Dr. Moutushi Islam
Vitreo Retina Specialist & Phaco Surgeon
Associate Professor, Cornea & Anterior Segment
Bashundhara Eye Hospital & Research Institute
Chamber: Bashundhara Eye Hospital & Research Institute
Address: 474, Road # 5, Block # D, Beside Mededi Mart, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: 9am to 1pm (Closed: Friday & Tuesday)
Appointment: +8809643200700
Prof. Dr. S.M. Monowarul Islam
Uveitis & Medical Retina Specialist
Professor & Head, Ophthalmology
Shaheed Monsur Ali Medical College & Hospital
Chamber: Bashundhara Eye Hospital & Research Institute
Address: 474, Road # 5, Block # D, Beside Mededi Mart, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8809643200700
Dr. Shormin Shohelly
Uvea, Retina & Eye Cancer Specialist
Consultant, Ophthalmology
Bashundhara Eye Hospital & Research Institute
Chamber: Bashundhara Eye Hospital & Research Institute
Address: 474, Road # 5, Block # D, Beside Mededi Mart, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8809643200700
Dr. Rubina Akther
Phaco, Vitreo Retina Specialist & Surgeon
Assistant Professor, Vitreo Retina
Bashundhara Eye Hospital & Research Institute
Chamber: Bashundhara Eye Hospital & Research Institute
Address: 474, Road # 5, Block # D, Beside Mededi Mart, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8809643200700
Dr. Muntasir Bin Shahid
Fellow in Glaucoma & Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery (India)
Phaco & Glaucoma Specialist
Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology
International Medical College & Hospital
Chamber: Bashundhara Eye Hospital & Research Institute
Address: 474, Road # 5, Block # D, Beside Mededi Mart, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8809643200700
Dr. Tasruba Shahnaz
General Ophthalmologist
Consultant, Ophthalmology
Bashundhara Eye Hospital & Research Institute
Chamber: Bashundhara Eye Hospital & Research Institute
Address: 474, Road # 5, Block # D, Beside Mededi Mart, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8809643200700
Dr. Md. Ripon Ali
Eye Specialist & Phaco Surgeon
Consultant, Ophthalmology
Bashundhara Eye Hospital & Research Institute
Chamber: Bashundhara Eye Hospital & Research Institute
Address: 474, Road # 5, Block # D, Beside Mededi Mart, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8809643200700
Dr. Nusrat Sultana
General Ophthalmologist & Surgeon
Consultant, Ophthalmology
Bashundhara Eye Hospital & Research Institute
Chamber: Bashundhara Eye Hospital & Research Institute
Address: 474, Road # 5, Block # D, Beside Mededi Mart, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8809643200700
In the End
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