বাংলাদেশ আই হসপিটাল ধানমন্ডি, Bangladesh Eye Hospital Dhanmondi Doctor List, বাংলাদেশ আই হসপিটাল ঢাকা, বাংলাদেশ আই হসপিটাল মিরপুর, বাংলাদেশ আই হসপিটাল ধানমন্ডি ফোন নাম্বার, bangladesh eye hospital, dhanmondi appointment, বাংলাদেশ আই হসপিটাল মালিবাগ, বাংলাদেশ আই হাসপাতাল খুলনা
Bangladesh Eye Hospital Phone number and address
Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Dhanmondi
Address: 78, Satmasjid Road (West of Road 27), Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205
Contact: 10620, +8809666787878
Website: https://dhanmondi.bdeyehospital.com/
Here the address, phone number, specialist doctor list, patient appointment schedule, serial number, mobile number, chamber, contact address of Bangladesh Eye Hospital are given in detail.
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Bangladesh Eye Hospital Dhanmondi Doctor List
Dr. Kazi Shabbir Anwar
MBBS, DO (DU), MD, Fellow (Pediatric Ophthalmology)
Child Eye Diseases Specialist & Surgeon
Consultant, Pediatric Ophthalmology
Bangladesh Eye Hospital & Institute
Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Dhanmondi
Address: 78, Satmasjid Road (West of Road 27), Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205
Visiting Hour: 9am to (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8809666787878
Dr. Niaz Abdur Rahman
MBBS, DO, MPH (USA), Fellow Vitreo-Retina (Canada)
Eye (Vitreo Retina) Specialist & Surgeon
Consultant Surgeon, Vitreo Retina
Bangladesh Eye Hospital & Institute
Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Dhanmondi
Address: 78, Satmasjid Road (West of Road 27), Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205
Visiting Hour: 9am to (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8809666787878
Prof. Dr. M. Nazrul Islam
Eye Diseases (Glaucoma) Specialist & Phaco Surgeon
Senior Consultant, Glaucoma
Bangladesh Eye Hospital & Institute
Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Dhanmondi
Address: 78, Satmasjid Road (West of Road 27), Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205
Visiting Hour: 9am to (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8809666787878
Dr. Md. Ali Akbar
Eye Diseases (Glaucoma) Specialist & Phaco Surgeon
Consultant, Glaucoma
Bangladesh Eye Hospital & Institute
Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Dhanmondi
Address: 78, Satmasjid Road (West of Road 27), Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205
Visiting Hour: 9am to (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8809666787878

Dr. Shayamal Kumar Sarkar
Fellow, Neuro-Ophthalmology (AEH & NIOH) Advance Training in Phaco Surgery (DEH, India)
Neuro-Ophthalmologist & Surgeon
Assistant Professor & Head, Neuro Ophthalmology
National Institute of Ophthalmology & Hospital
Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Dhanmondi
Address: 78, Satmasjid Road (West of Road 27), Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205
Visiting Hour: 9am to (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8809666787878
Prof. Brig Gen. Dr. Ismail Hossain
Fellow Vitreo-Retina & Phaco Surgery (AIIMS & LVPEI), Fellow Phaco Surgery (MEH & BEHI)
Eye Diseases (Vitreo Retina) Specialist & Phaco Surgeon
Former Professor & Head, Opthalmology
Armed Forces Medical College, Dhaka
Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Dhanmondi
Address: 78, Satmasjid Road (West of Road 27), Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205
Visiting Hour: 9am to (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8809666787878
Dr. Mahbubur Rahman Chowdhury
Eye Diseases Specialist & Phaco Surgeon
Bangladesh Eye Hospital & Institute
Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Dhanmondi
Address: 78, Satmasjid Road (West of Road 27), Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205
Visiting Hour: 9am to (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8809666787878
Dr. Ziaul Ahsan Mukta
Fellowship in Vitreo-Retina Surgery (India), Macular Diseases (Singapore) & Phaco Surgery (Thailand)
Eye Diseases (Vitreo Retina) Specialist & Phaco Surgeon
Consultant, Vitreo Retina
Bangladesh Eye Hospital & Institute
Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Dhanmondi
Address: 78, Satmasjid Road (West of Road 27), Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205
Visiting Hour: 9am to (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8809666787878
Dr. Shah-Noor Hassan
Eye Diseases (Vitreo Retina) Specialist & Surgeon
Associate Professor, Ophthalmology
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Hospital
Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Dhanmondi
Address: 78, Satmasjid Road (West of Road 27), Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205
Visiting Hour: 9am to (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8809666787878
Dr. Kamal Haider Khan
Eye Diseases (Glaucoma) Specialist & Phaco Surgeon
Consultant, Glaucoma
Bangladesh Eye Hospital & Institute
Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Dhanmondi
Address: 78, Satmasjid Road (West of Road 27), Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205
Visiting Hour: 9am to (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8809666787878
Dr. Sarwat Rahman
Training in Electro-Physiology & Lasik Surgery (Singapore), SMILE Surgery (India)
Neuro-Ophthalmologist & Phaco Surgeon
Consultant, Neuro-ophthalmology
Bangladesh Eye Hospital & Institute
Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Dhanmondi
Address: 78, Satmasjid Road (West of Road 27), Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205
Visiting Hour: 9am to (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8809666787878
Dr. Most. Sanjida Akter
MBBS (RMC), MCPS (Eye), FCPS (Eye)
Fellow – Cataract Surgery & Neuro-Ophthalmology (BEH&I)
Neuro-Ophthalmologist & Phaco Surgeon
Consultant, Neuro-Ophthalmology
Bangladesh Eye Hospital & Institute
Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Dhanmondi
Address: 78, Satmasjid Road (West of Road 27), Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205
Visiting Hour: 9am to (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8809666787878
In the End
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