Anwer Khan Modern Hospital Doctor List, Test Price 2024, Anwar Khan Modern Hospital Doctor List, Test Price 2024, Anwar Khan Modern Hospital Phone Number, Anwar Khan Modern Hospital Where, Anwar Khan Modern Hospital Doctor Appointment, Anwar Khan Modern Medical College Hospital Dhaka, Anwar Khan Modern Diagnostic Center, Anwer Khan Modern Hospital test price list, Anwar Khan Modern Hospital Fakirapool,
In this article you will find Anwar Khan Modern Hospital Doctor List, Anwar Khan Modern Hospital Phone Number, Anwar Khan Modern Diagnostic Center, Anwar Khan Modern Hospital Where, Anwer Khan Modern Hospital test price list, Modern Hospital Dhaka, Anwer Khan Modern University, Anwar Khan Modern
আনোয়ার খান মডার্ন হাসপাতাল ডাক্তার লিস্ট, আনোয়ার খান মডার্ন মেডিকেল কলেজ হাসপাতাল ঢাকা, আনোয়ার খান মডার্ন হাসপাতাল কোথায়, Anwar Khan Modern Hospital Doctor Appointment, আনোয়ার খান মডার্ন মেডিকেল কলেজ ফটো, আনোয়ার খান মডার্ন হাসপাতাল ফোন নাম্বার, Anwar khan modern university, আনোয়ার খান মডার্ন হাসপাতাল ফকিরাপুল
Here the address, phone number, specialist doctor list, patient appointment schedule, serial number, mobile number, chamber, contact address of Anwar Khan Modern Hospitalare given in detail.
Where is Anwar Khan Modern Hospital?
Hospital Name: আনোয়ার খান মডার্ন মেডিকেল কলেজ হাসপাতাল (Anwer Khan Modern Medical College Hospital)
Address: Holding No-17, Road-8, Dhanmondi, Dhaka
Phone No: 10652, 09678010652, 02-58616074, 58614123, 223361213, 223370295
E-mail: info@akmmch.com
Website: http://www.akmmc.edu.bd/
What is Anwar Khan Modern Medical College Hospital phone number?
Phone No: 10652, 09678010652, 02-58616074, 58614123, 223361213, 223370295
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Anwar Khan Modern Medical College Hospital
Anwar Khan Modern Hospital Limited, a company of Modern Group. It is a 750 bedded hospital with fully modern world class medical equipment. This hospital is located at House No. 17 & 17/1, Road No. 8, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205. It is situated on 45 khata land with 07 (seven) storied buildings.
This hospital has more than forty medical departments like Medicine, Neuro Medicine, Neuro Surgery, Cardiology, Obstetrics and Gynecology Infertility, Paediatrics, General Surgery, Repertory, Orthopedics, Liver Medicine Gastroenterology, ENT, Urology, Ophthalmology, Nephrology, Dermatology, Thoracology, Surgery , Radiation Oncology, Rheumatology, Microbiology, Radiology & Imaging, Psychiatry, Physiotherapy, Cynology etc.
Anwer Khan Modern Medical College Hospital Doctor List 2024
Anwar Khan Modern Hospital Orthopedic Doctor
Professor Dr. NK Dutta
MBBS, D-Ortho, MS (Ortho)
Orthopedic and orthopedic specialist
Patient Visiting Hours: 6PM- 9PM (Closed on Fridays)
Phone: 01788 786380
Professor Dr. AKM Masud
MBBS, MS (Ortho),
Fractured joints, rheumatologists.
Patient Visiting Hours: 6.30PM-9.30PM
For Serial: 01747-219974
Anwar Khan Modern Hospital Rheumatology Doctor List
Dr. Md. Matiur Rahman
MBBS, FCPS (Medicine), MD (Internal Medicine), FACR (USA)
Specialties: Rheumatologist and Internal Medicine
Visiting Hours: 10 AM to 12 PM and 4 PM to 8 PM (Saturday-Thursday)
Phone for Serial: 01913597059 (8-9 AM)
Hot Line: 10652
Dr. M.S. Arefin Patwari
MBBS(DMC), FCPS (Medicine), MACP (USA)
Specialties: Medicine and Rheumatology
Patient Visiting Hours: 2.30pm-4pm (SAT-WED)
For Serial: 01523 946585
Anwar Khan Modern Hospital Psychiatry Doctor List
Professor Dr. Mohammad Ahsanul Habib
MBBS, FCPS (Psychiatry)
Ex-Director, Mental Hospital, Pabna
Professor, Department of Psychiatry
Specialization: Psychiatry
Visiting Hours: 10 AM to 12 PM and 6 PM to 9 PM (Closed on Fridays)
For Serial: 01990441099
Department of Cardiology
Professor Syed Ali Ahsan
MBBS, MD (Cardiology) FICC (India), FACC (USA)
Designation: Professor
Institution: BSMMU
Specialties: Clinical and Interventional Cardiologists
Room No: Room-318,
Block: Floor-2nd E
Patient Visiting Hours: 6:00PM to 9:00PM Saturday-Wednesday
Contact Number: +8801775 540003
Dr. Harisul Haque Professor
MBBS, MD (Cardiology)
Specialization: Cardiology
Visiting hours: 5pm-10pm (Sat-Thu)
For Serial: 01712983109
Dr. AKM Ziaul Haque
MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (Cardio-Vascular and Thoracic Surgeon)
Specialties: Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Visiting Hours: 4pm-7pm (Sat-Wed)
For Serial: 01744898934
Dr. Mohammad Zakir Hossain
MBBS, MD (Cardiology), CCD (Diabetology)
Specialties: Heart and Medicine, Diabetologist
Visiting Hours: 9am-1am (Sat-Thu)
For Serial: +8802223370295, Ext -331

Prof. Dr. K.M.H.S. Sirajul Haque
Degree: MBBS, FCPS [BD), FCPS (Pak), FRCP (Edin) FACC
Designation: Professor and Principal
Institution: AKMMCH
Specialist: Clinical Cardiologist
Room No: Room-350,
Block: Floor-2nd b
Visiting Hours: 10.00 AM – 12.00 PM Sunday-Thursday
Contact No: 01767463670, 0258616074
Department of Medicine
Professor Dr. Faizul Islam Chowdhury
Degree: MBBS, FCPS (Medicine) and PhD (USA)
Designation: Professor
Institution: Dhaka Medical College Hospital
Specialization: Medicine
Room No: Room-419/421,
Block: Floor-3rd E
Visiting hours: 10am-1pm Saturday-Thursday
Contact No. 01796523535, 01705407368
Professor Dr. Mohammad Azizul Kahhar
Degree: MRCP (UK), FCPS
Designation: Professor
Institution: Dhaka Medical College Hospital
Specialization: Medicine
Room No: Room-419/421,
Block: Floor-3rd E
Visiting Hours: 5.00 PM- 9.00 PM Saturday-Wednesday
Contact No. 01768764232, 01981956111
Professor Dr. A.K.M. Aminul Haque
Designation: Professor
Institution: BSMMU
Specialization: Medicine
Room No: Room-554, Floor-4th, Block: B
Visiting Hours: 5.00 PM- 9.00 PM Saturday-Thursday
Contact number +8801964288120
Professor Dr. Rajibul Alam
Designation: Professor
Institution: AKMMCH
Specialization: Medicine
Room No: Room-206
Block: Floor-1st A
Visiting Hours: 11AM – 1:30 PM and 6.00 PM – 9.00 PM Saturday-Thursday
Contact Number: +8801780315319
Dr. Md. Mahmudur Rahman Siddiqui
Degree: MBBS, FCPS (Medicine)
Designation: Associate Professor
Institution: AKMMCH
Specialization: Medicine
Room No: Room-310,
Block: Floor-2nd A
Visiting Hours: 11.00 AM – 1.00 PM, 5.30 PM – 8.00 PM Sunday – Thursday
Contact No: 01990441099, 01622870296
Dr. Rubayet Sheikh Ghiyasuddin
Degree: MBBS (DU), MRCP (UK), MACP (USA)
Designation: Assistant. the professor
Institution: AKMMCH
Specialist: Medicine specialist
Room No: Room-140,
Block: Floor-Ground c
Visiting Hours: 12.00 AM- 2.00 PM and 6.30pm-9pm Saturday-Thursday
Contact Number: 01672 298815, 10652
Professor Dr. Md. Mostafizur Rahman
Degree Title: MBBS, FCPS (Med), FRCP (UK), FCCP (USA)
Institution: Professor & Principal AKMMCH
Clinical Specialist: Specialist in medicine
Room No: Room-305,
Block: FIoor-2nd A
Visiting Hours: 7.00 PM – 9.00 PM Saturday-Thursday
Serial Date:
Contact No. +88 01757 138425, +88 01711 561491
Professor Dr. MMA Bari
Degree: MBBS, FCPS (Medicine), MD (DU), PhD (R)
Designation: Professor
Institution: BSMMU
Clinical Specialists: Medicine, Cardiology, Chest Specialist
Room No: Room-324,
Block: Floor-2nd E
Visiting Hours: 5.00 PM – 10.00 PM Saturday-Thursday
Contact No. +88 01714 251471, +88 01819 223433
Department of Surgery
Dr. MD Abul Kalam Chowdhury
Degree: MBBS, MS
Designation: Associate Professor
Institution: BSMMU
Specialties: Laparoscopic Surgery, Colorectal Surgery
Room No: Room-456,
Block: Floor-3rd B
Visiting Hours: 6.00 PM- 9.00 PM Saturday-Thursday
Contact Number: +88 01974 971074
Professor Dr. Mohammad Mostafizur Rahman
Degree: MBBS (DMC), FRCS (Ed)
Designation: Professor
Institution: AKMMCH
Specialties: Laparoscopic, Breast, Colorectal Surgery
Room No: Room-255,
Block: Floor-1st B
Visiting Hours: Sunday-Thursday 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Contact Number: +88 01713 001346
Professor Dr. A.Z.M. Mostak Hossain Tuhin
Degree: MBBS, FCPS (Surgery)
Designation: Professor
Institution: AKMMCH
Specialties: General, Laparoscopic, Breast Surgeon
Room No: Room-215,
Block: Floor-Lost A
Visiting hours: 7.00 PM – 9.00 PM Saturday-Wednesday
Contact Number: +88 01715 049580
Prof. Dr. Abdus Salam Arif
Degree: MBBS, FCPS (Surgery)
Designation: Professor
Institution: Dhaka Medical College Hospital
Specialties: General, Laparoscopic, Breast Surgeon
Room No: Room-219,
Block: Floor-Lost A
Visiting Hours: 9.00 AM – 2.00 PM, 7.00 PM – 9.00 PM Saturday – Thursday
Contact Number: +88 02 9670295, +88 028613883, +88 028616074
Prof. Dr. M.I.M. Nasim Sobhani Khondkar
Degree: MBBS, FCPS (Surgery), FRCS (Edin., UK) Designation: Professor
Institution: AKMMCH
Specialties: General, Laparoscopic, Surgeon
Room No: Room-215,
Block: Floor-Lost A
Visiting Hours: 9.00 AM- 2.00 PM, 6.30 PM 8.00 PM Sunday-Wednesday
Contact Number: +88 01757 13842
Dr. Ali Nafisa
Degree: MBBS (RMC), FCPS (Surgery)
Designation: Assistant. the professor
Institution: AKMMCH
Specialties: General, Laparoscopic, Colorectal, Breast Surgeon
Room No: Room-212,
Block: Floor-Lost A
Visiting Hours: 8.00 AM – 1.00 PM and 6.00 PM – 8.00 PM Saturday – Thursday
Contact Number: +88 01910 734568, +88 01722 053211
Department of Neurosurgery
Dr. Dewan Shamsul Asif
Degree: MBBS, FCPS (Neurosurgery)
Designation: Assistant. the professor
Institution: AKMMCH
Specialties: Brain and Spine Surgery
Room No: Room-424,
Block: Floor-3rd A
Visiting Hours: 10 AM – 1.00 PM and 7.00 PM – 9.00 PM Saturday – Thursday
Contact Number: 0971821740
Dr. Md. Nuruzzaman Khan
Degree: MBBS, MS (Neuro Surgery)
Designation: Assistant Professor
Institution: Shaheed Shahrawardy Medical College and Hospital
Specialist: Neuro Spine Surgery, Room No: Room-217,
Block: Floor-Lost A
Visiting hours: 6.00 PM- 9.00 PM Saturday-Wednesday
Contact Number: 01730716226, +8801977471472
Department of ENT
Professor Dr. S.M. Khorshed Majumder
Designation: Professor and Principal
Institution: Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College and Hospital
Specialties: ENT and head-neck specialist surgeons
Room No: Room-305,
Block: FIoor-2nd E
Visiting Hours: 9.00 am – 9.00 pm Saturday-Wednesday
Contact Number: +88 01511545058, 10652
Dr. Abul Hasnat Zoardar Professor
Degree: MBBS, FCPS, Clinical Fellow in Otology (Madras)
Designation: Professor
Institution: BSMMU
Specialist: ENT Surgeon
Room No: Room-555,
Block: Floor-4th B
Visiting Hours: 6.00 PM- 9.00 PM Saturday-Thursday
Contact Number: +88 01728 621089,10652
Dr. Afroza Suraya Majumder
Degree: MBBS, DLO
Designation: Assistant Professor
Institution: AKMMCH
Specialties: ENT and head-neck specialist surgeons
Room No: Room-217,
Block: Floor-Lost A
Visiting Hours: 10.00 AM- 6.00 PM, Saturday-Thursday
Contact Number: +88 017444898932
Professor Dr. M. Alamgir Chowdhury
Designation: Professor and Principal
Institution: AKMMCH
Specialist: ENT
Room No: Room-201,
Block: Floor-1st A
Visiting Hours: 10.00 AM- 2.00 PM and 6.00 PM- 9.00 PM Saturday-Thursday
Contact Number: +88 01919 222 182
Department of Dermatology
Dr. Syed Al-Amin
Degree: MBBS, DPD (UK)
Designation: Consultant
Institution: AKMMCH
Specialties: Laser & Cosmetic Surgeon
Room No: Room-417
Block: Floor-3rd E
Visiting Hours: 9.00 AM – 2.00 PM and 7.00 PM – 9.00 PM Saturday – Thursday
Contact Number: +88 01744 898934, +88 01713 423263
Professor Dr. Md. Akram Ullah Shikder
Degree: MBBS, D.V
Designation: Chairman
Institution: BSMMU
Specialties: Dermatology, Skin & VD
Room No: Room-251
Block: Floor-1st B
Visiting Hours: 4.00 PM- 6.30 PM Saturday-Thursday
Contact Numbers: +88 01744 898934, +88 01711 069930, +88 01938 265772
Dr. ATM Asaduzzaman
Degree: MBBS, MD (Dermatology)
Designation: Associate Professor
Institution: BSMMU
Specialties: Skin & VD, Sex, Allergy
Room No: Room-453
Block: Floor-3rd B
Visiting hours: 6.00 PM- 10.00 PM Saturday-Wednesday
Contact Number: +88 01914 499496
Professor Dr. A Z M Maydul Islam
Degree: MBBS, DD (Dhaka), AEL (Paris), DTAE (Paris) AESD & V (Paris), FAAD (USA), FCPS Slock-A,
Designation: Professor & HOD
Institution: AKMMCH
Specialties: Skin & VD, Sex, Allergy
Room No: Room-207
Block: Floor-1st A
Visiting Hours: 10.00 AM- 1.00 PM and 5.30 PM- 7.00 PM Saturday-Thursday
Contact Number: +88 01757 138425
Dr. Mir M Siddique
Degree: MBBS, DD (Bangkok)
Designation: Consultant
Institution: AKMMCH
Specialties: Skin, VD and Skin Laser Surgery
Room No: Room-330
Block: Floor-2nd E
Visiting Hours: 6.00 PM – 9.00 PM Saturday-Thursday
Contact Number: +88 01822 990324
List of best hospitals in Bangladesh
Anwar Khan Modern Hospital Gynecologist Doctor List
Dr. Suha Jasmine
MBBS (DMC), FCPS (Obs. & Gyn.)
Specialist: Gynecology and Obs
Patient Visiting Hours: 10am-2pm (Closed on Fridays)
For Serial: 01757138425
Dr. Sharmin Siddiqa Islam (Rumki)
Specialties: Gynecology and Obstetrics and Laparoscopic Surgeons
Assistant Professor, Department of Gyn & Obs, Anwar Khan Modern Medical College
Visiting hours: Sat-Thurs 9am-2pm, and Sat, Sun, Tues & Thurs, 6pm-8pm
For serial: 01971192022
Dr. Benazir Haque (Emerald)
MBBS, DGO (BSMMU), FCPS (OBS & Gynecology)
Specialties: Gynecology and Obstetrics and Laparoscopic Surgeons
Assistant Professor, Department of Gyn & Obs, Anwar Khan Modern Medical College
Visiting Hours: 9am-1pm (Closed on Fridays)
For serial: 01630161835
Dr. Farzana Diwa
MBBS (DMC), FCPS (Reproductive Endocrine and Infertility), MS (Genes and OBS)
Associate Professor Department of Gyn BSMMU
Specialist: Gynecology and Obs.
Patient Visiting Hours: Sat-Wed 6pm-9pm
For serials: 01753 843987
Dr. Shifin Rizvi
Assistant Professor, Department of Gyn & Obs,
Anwar Khan Modern Medical Collage
Patient Visiting Hours: Sat, Mon & Wed 8am-6pm
For Serial: 01817521921
Department of Orthopedics
Professor Dr. NK Dutta
MBBS, D-Ortho, MS (Ortho)
Orthopedic and orthopedic specialist
Patient Visiting Hours: 6PM- 9PM (Closed on Fridays)
Phone: 01788 786380
Dr. Shakeel Akhtar Professor
MBBS, MS (Orthopedic Surgery)
Specialization: Orthopaedics
Visiting Hours: 9am-1pm (Mon-Wed)
For serials: 01757 138425
Dr. Sheikh Farhad
MBBS, MS (Ortho), AO (Trauma)
Specialization: Orthopaedics
Patient Visiting Hours: 5pm-9pm (Sat-Thu)
For Serial: 01722053211, 01915326560
Dr. Md. Shoaib Sarwar Murad
MBBS, MS (Ortho Surgery),
Specialization: Orthopedic Surgery
Visiting Hours: 10am-1pm and 6pm-8pm (Sat-Thu)
For Serial: 01732332361
Professor Dr. Nowsher Alam
Degree: MBBS, FCPS, FICS (Neurosurgery)
Designation: Professor and Principal
Institution: Bangladesh Medical College, Dhaka
Specialist: Neurosurgeon
Room No: Room-417,
Block: Floor-3rd E
Patient Visiting Hours: 5.00 P.M. – 8.00 PM Saturday-Wednesday
Contact Number: +88 01932 117347
Dr. Dewan Shamsul Asif
Degree: MBBS, FCPS (Neurosurgery), Training (Endoscopic Surgery)
Designation: Assistant Professor, Neuro Surgery
Specialties: Brain, spine and neurosurgery specialists
Block: Designation: Assistant Professor, Neuro Surgery
Anwar Khan Modern Medical College and Hospital
Address: House # 17, Road # 08, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka – 1205
Visiting Hours: 9 am to 2 pm (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8801757138425
Dr. Md. Nuruzzaman Khan
Degree: MBBS, MS (Neuro Surgery)
Designation: Associate Professor, Neuro Surgery
Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College and Hospital
Institution: Anwar Khan Modern Medical College Hospital
Specialties: Brain, spine and neurosurgery specialists
Room No: Room-217, Block: Floor-Lost A
Visiting Hours: 6 PM to 9 PM (Closed: Friday)
Contact No.: +8801977471472
Anwar Khan Modern Medical College Hospital Dhaka, Anwar Khan Modern Hospital Test Price 2024
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