Short film/Documentary film
The longer nine month War of Independence from 26th March to 16th December, 1971 was a revolutionary chapter for Bangladesh history. Enjoy the short films and documentaries list based on the Bangladesh liberation war. Visit the youtube link to enjoy the films.
Agami (1984)
Agami is a short film. The film is directed by Morshedul Islam on Liberation War of Bangladesh 1971.
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A State is Born (1971)
A State is Born is a 20 minute length documentary by Zahir Raihan.
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Dateline Bangladesh
Dateline Bangladesh is a documentary film made by Gita Mehta.
Muktir Gaan (1995)
Muktir Gaan is a 78 minute documentary film directed by Tareque Masud and Catherine Masud.
Nine Months to Freedom (1975)
The documentary film directed by Indian filmmaker S Sukhdev. The length of this documentary is 1 hour 12 minute.
Sei Rater Kotha Bolte echechhi (Tale of the Darkest Night) (2002)
Shei Rater Kotha Bolte Eshechi (In english- Tale of the Darkest Night) film directed by Kawsar Chowdhury. The duration of this documentary is 43 minute.
Stop Genocide (1971)
Stop Genocide documentary film made by Zahir Raihan. The duration of this documentary is 20 minute.
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Also many other documentaries has made from individual, national and media level. Among other films, notable are Joy Bangla by Nasiga Oshima, War Babies by Denny Henke and Genocide Factor by Robert J. Emery.
Also see-
List of movies based on the 1971 liberation war in Bangladesh (With link)
International Films based the Bangladesh liberation war, 1971