Fashion and Beauty

All about Lemon essential oil

What is Lemon?
Scientific name-  Citrus limon
Common name: Lemon
Native region- Asia 
Cultivation- Any time can be planted but spring is the best time for container grown plants.
Type- Small evergreen tree, thorny branches and white flowers with purple edges.
Popular Use- Its yellow fruit is used for culinary and non-culinary purposes.
What is lemon oil?
Lemon oil derived from lemon and is one of the most essential oil. The oil carries broader uses and health benefits. The oil promotes weight loss, nourish skin, make relaxation, improve digestion, whiten teeth and so on. Due to its extensive benefits like stimulating, calming, anti-infection, astringent and antifungal properties the oil has the ability to treat stress disorders, asthma, obesity, skin infections, hair conditions, stomach problems etc.
Skin Benefits of Lemon oil

Lemon oil works excellent against acne. It works well for ageing, oily and sluggish skin. It has slight irritating effect against sensitive skin.

Treat acne– This oil has astringent, antiseptic and antibacterial strength which helps in treating acne and various skin infections. It treats blemished skin, exfoliate dead skin and reduce acne. The oil also reduces excessive oil from the skin.

Skin Brightener– The oil remove skin dead cells and create a brighter and clear look.

Cleansing and Nourishing skin–  Lemon essential oil nourish damaged skin and hydrate skin which give a fresh look.  It cleansing property make the skin freshen

Apply procedure
Direct apply
·         Wash your face.
·         Apply a few drops of lemon oil on your skin by using a cotton ball.
·         Leave for few hours
·         Repeat regularly for best results.
Apply by dilution
·         Wash your face
·         Take baking soda and/or raw honey and 3-4 drops of lemon oil
·         Add drops of the oil to the baking soda and/or raw honey and mix well.
·         Apply it to the whole face.
·         Leave it on for 20-25 minutes, and once it dries rinse with cool water and pat dry.

Lemon oil can irritate skin that is why it is advisable to use lemon oil by diluting it first. It can be used with a carrier oil for direct application to skin such as coconut oil, olive oil and jojoba oil.

  1. Lemon. (2011, May 30). New World Encyclopedia.
  2. Lemon and oranges. (Date unknown). Old Farmer’s Almanac.
  3. Enjoy the Zesty Goodness of Lemon Oil (2016).
  4. Health Benefits of Lemon Oil,
  5. Top 10 Lemon Essential Oil Uses and Benefits,
  6. Lemon Essential Oil: Uses, Benefits, and Precautions,

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