
7 Ways to Succeed in Life – how to overcome failures in life

Last updated on September 29th, 2023 at 03:45 am

7 Ways to Succeed. How to overcome failures in life? Success is like a golden deer or the last train of the night. Everyone is running towards him. The question in everyone’s mind is, when will the deer be seen or will I be able to catch the train? Some try for years for success, some score goals on the field. Others suffer from monotony without striving for success.

Success can be compared to flying a kite in the sky. The higher you try to fly the kite, the more you have to pull the string against the wind. As soon as the wind strikes, the kite will begin to descend. American author, investor and entrepreneur James Altucher talks about seven ways to succeed in his post on Quora Digest.

7 Ways to Succeed in Life

Health should be given importance

Both physical and mental health are important. Health is related to our habits. It is very easy to get involved in bad habits, good habits need to be given time. For success you need to take care of your body, exercise regularly. Emphasis should be placed on intellectual matters. Attention should be paid to the development of creativity. Avoid negative people and environment.

Everything is today’s topic

There is no such thing as future or past, matter is relative. You have to work today for success. If you do well today, then a great future awaits you. And if you do nothing today, then tomorrow you will say that my past was not so good. Try to work for yourself every day, every moment. Along with work, care should be taken to keep time on the clock for family and self improvement. You can try to change yourself even if it is 1 percent every day.

Say yes-no thoughtfully

Successful people say yes and no thoughtfully. Say yes to any intellectual or creative opportunity. Always learn to say yes to activities that bring joy or meditation.

Think simple, learn

Learn to think in general terms. Children find simplicity in life as they try to think of everything simply. Practice thinking like them. Practicing meditation regularly will boost your thinking power and creative mind.

A lot to read

As humans we don’t all know everything. You have to read the book to know. All types of fiction and non-fiction books should be read.

Strive for multidimensional success

American billionaire Warren Buffett does not advise young people to invest in one place. He advises investing in multiple areas, so that if one investment fails, there is an opportunity to move forward in another. When you succeed in one thing, focus on another thing to move forward. Millionaires in America make money from at least five different sources. You are striving for success in career. However, even if you have the opportunity of higher education, you are not studying, or you have kept your writing hobby under the ground. The successful people we look up to as examples never stick to one thing.

Fear vs Inertia

You are afraid of public speaking. Can’t say what you want to say properly. Successful people try to overcome their fears and move forward. If you think of what you fear as fear, it is inertia for you forever. Try to overcome fear and avoid inertia and move forward.


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