Fashion and Beauty

7 Foods That Give You Younger Look

There is no substitute for nutritious food to stay healthy. There are some foods that not only keep the body healthy, but also help maintain the youth of the skin. A balanced and nutritious diet also provides strength to fight any disease, especially infectious diseases.

Medical science says that vitamin C makes anti-oxidants in the body. Increases the body’s resistance to disease. Doctors recommend eating vitamin C for any cold-related problem. This is not the end. Once upon a time, some other foods were found to be beneficial in summer to increase immunity. Watermelon, sour yogurt, stalks of sajna, young jackfruit bells, mango pulses, coconut water – these foods are very helpful to stay healthy. Which will keep the body and mind fresh.


Vegetables should be eaten every day to keep the body healthy. But many do not know that it also retains the youth of the skin. A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that people who regularly ate vegetables, fruits and fish did not have fine lines on their skin. Green leafy vegetables are rich in carotenoids, vitamin C, iron and calcium. Carotenoids are a good source of vitamin A which protects the skin from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays.

Red fruit

The lycopene in red fruit helps in retaining the youth of the skin. The red color of berries and tomatoes contains lycopene as well as lots of antioxidants. Which protects the skin from the harmful elements of the sun.

Olive oil

Various studies have shown that olive oil reduces the risk of heart disease as well as prevents stroke. Olive oil contains antioxidants as well as vitamin E and polyphenols to prevent collagen. As a result, wrinkles do not appear on the skin.

Green Tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants, vitamin C which is very beneficial for the skin. Experts recommend drinking two to three cups of green tea daily to get the multifaceted benefits.


It has many health benefits. Caffeine regulates blood circulation in the body, prevents redness and inflammation of the skin. It contains lots of antioxidant ingredients that protect the skin, retain skin moisture and help reduce inflammation.


Turmeric is very popular as a skin care ingredient. It is known as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antimicrobial. It is important in improving the health of the skin.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate has the presence of flavonol, an antioxidant. Which protects the skin from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Protects skin from free radicals.

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