Health and Fitness

6 foods that reduce the risk of chronic kidney disease

Decreased kidney function is one of the hallmarks of chronic kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease is commonly known as kidney failure. Kidneys remove waste and excess fluid from the body through urine. Chronic kidney disease can lead to dangerous accumulations of fluid, electrolytes, and waste in the body.

If the kidneys are not functioning, food waste accumulates in the blood. So people with kidney disease must follow a specific diet. Adding the following six foods to your diet can help reduce your risk of chronic kidney disease:


Garlic lowers cholesterol, soothes inflammation, and its antibacterial properties help prevent plaque build-up on teeth. Whole garlic or garlic powder, no matter how you buy it, can easily be added to a variety of delicious recipes. Roasted garlic heads can also be added to curries. Garlic powder works very well in kidney patient’s diet and also adds a nice flavor to the food.


Strawberries are rich in two different forms of phenols, anthocyanins and ellagitannins. The red color of strawberries is produced by anthocyanins. It is a powerful anti-oxidant, which helps protect the body’s cell structure and prevent oxidative damage. Strawberries are an excellent source of fiber, vitamin C, manganese and other micronutrients. In addition to having anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties, strawberries may also offer cardiac protection.


Apart from helping to reduce cholesterol and constipation, apples can also prevent heart disease. Apart from this, apples are very effective in reducing the risk of cancer. This fruit is very beneficial for our overall health. Apples are rich in fiber and anti-inflammatory properties, which are excellent for kidney disease sufferers.


Cabbage is a green vegetable of the cruciferous vegetable family. It is an excellent source of fiber, vitamins K, C and B6 as well as B vitamins and folic acid. As it is low in potassium and cheap in price, it can be a good addition to the diet of kidney patients.


Many people use onion as a main ingredient in cooking to add flavor to food. Onions are rich in flavonoids including quercetin. So apart from reducing the risk of heart disease by eating onions, it fights against various diseases. In addition, onions are a great source of chromium. The minerals it contains help in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Apart from this, it is very beneficial for chronic kidney patients as it is low in potassium.

Red capsicum

Red capsicum is beneficial for kidney patients for several reasons. First, it is low in potassium and tastes great. Besides being tasty, this vegetable is a great source of fiber and vitamins B6, C, A. It contains lycopene, known as an antioxidant, which helps prevent certain cancers.

Adding these foods to your diet can help improve your overall kidney health and protect against various diseases.

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