
5 tips for extending your smartphone battery life

A single moment cannot be imagined without a smartphone. People between the ages of eight and eighty are constantly immersed in social media or games. However, using a smartphone all the time quickly reduces its lifespan. Especially the phone’s battery drains quickly. Many people do not charge their smartphones on time even if they use them all the time. The reluctance of the state arises in this regard. The smartphone battery is the most affected.

Some tips can be used while using the smartphone. It will keep your smartphone battery good for a long time. Let’s know some wrong usage can reduce the life of smartphone-

  • Most of the smartphone users also set the vibration along with the phone ringtone. Don’t make this mistake again. Because it can reduce battery life a lot.
  • Phone ringtones can also reduce battery life. So it is important to choose the right ringtone for the phone. Always use short ringtones. Try to use only those provided on the phone. Because the frequency of downloaded ringtones is much higher than the inbuilt ringtones on the phone. Using them drains the phone’s battery quickly.
  • When charging the phone, just let it charge. Don’t multitask unnecessarily while the phone charges. Playing games or doing any other work unnecessarily while charging the phone causes the phone battery to heat up.
  • There are many apps in the phone which are unnecessary and very old. Remove all such apps from the phone. The more apps there are on the phone, the more stress the phone’s battery will have. As a result, the battery life of the phone decreases. So keep the necessary or currently using apps on the phone.
  • Turn off unnecessary phone notifications to increase phone battery life. Turn off location updates, background data access. This will reduce the stress on the battery and thus increase the life.

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